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Bastian Greshake Tzovaras

Bastian Greshake Tzovaras is a researcher with a background in biology and citizen science and an open science activist. He works as a senior researcher at The Alan Turing Institute. In 2011, he founded openSNP. He was awarded a PhD in Bioinformatics in 2018. In 2017 he joined the Open Humans Foundation as the Director of Research.
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Having recently moved from Paris to London, it was time to get a new nametag for our dog Ohana – as the old one still displayed Eugenia’s old, French phone number. This wasn’t great as many folks don’t have phone contracts that allow calling abroad (thanks Brexit?). Ohana’s old name tag was custom-made with a laser cutter – for both cutting the shape and adding her name and the phone number.


On the weekend of September 17/18, 2022 the annual European Heritage Days took place again. During this weekend many monuments which typically aren’t openly accessible open their doors for the general public. Amongst the buildings that are open to the public during these days is the Palais du Luxembourg , which was built in the 17th century and has been housing parts of the French legislature since the 19th century.


tl;dr: Differences in my heart rate depending on the applications I use are small With France being back in a second lockdown (though the rules are a bit less strict this time around), I thought it would be interesting to look at the impact of different habits a bit more.


tl;dr: You can turn your Puck.js into a one-button tracker with this open source website I made Open Humans community member James Littlejohn highlighted the Espruino family of open source hardware boards and devices during one of our community calls some weeks ago.


Download PDF of the slides directly. Yesterday I presented what I learned from all of my passive data collection as a Show & Tell at the first European online Quantified Self meet-up. I already showed some of my insights here on the blog, but I added some more data analyses for the presentation, including my movement patterns from the GPS data and details on phone usage.


The COVID-19 confinement in Paris and France at large lasted from March 17th to May 11th, with comparatively strict measures on when you could leave your house, where you could go and for how long & when you could be outside. As a result a lot of folks, including me were forced to drastically change their daily routines, shifting to a home office approach.


Paris came out on 2020-06-06 for local #blacklivesmatter protests today. A part of it took place in front of the US embassy at Place de la Concorde, with the police fencing off the area widely. Another group gathered at the Champs de Mars facing the Eiffel Tower. The full image set can be found on Flickr.