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Underworld Geodynamics Community

Underworld Geodynamics Community
Geodynamics, Computation and Education
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We mark January 17, 1994 (the day better known for the Northridge Earthquake) as the birthday of the CITCOM family of codes. I was shaken awake early in the morning, and spent the rest of the day nervously waiting for the next aftershock while I checked that the code was really solving all the test problems quickly and accurately.

Autor Romain Beucher The following is compatible with Ubuntu 20.04 under Windows 10/11 WSL 2 ( Windows Subsystem for Linux). PETSc, the Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation is the main dependency required for building Underworld. In the following, I will describe my current workflow for configuring and installing PETSc on Linux.

Autores Julian Giordani, John Mansour

How does Underworld scale on a HPC? In this post we showcase how Underworld 2.11 scales across two of Australia's premiere HPC systems. Gadi - Magnus - The reference model chosen for this scaling showcase is a extended 3D stokes flow: Analytic Solution SolDB3D . Q1P0 elements were used and a fixed solver iteration count for solving the saddle point problem.

Autor Romain Beucher

The new generation of Apple Mac comes with the new Apple Silicon (M1) chip which has an Arm architecture (as opposed to the older generation that had i386 Intel processor). This brings all manner of troubles and requirements for the development of codes. Here I detail how to install Underworld on Mac OSX Big Sur 11.5.2 (Apple Silicon) using Python 3.9 Important Note: The following guide uses the CMake branch of Underworld.

Autores Julian Giordani, Louis Moresi, John Mansour

To date weak scaling tests have been run on two of the largest computers in Australia: Gadi (NCI) and Magnus (Pawsey). Here we present the results of those tests and discuss: Gadi: Weak scaling - SolDB3D Q1 Gadi: Weak scaling - SolDB3D Q2 Magnus: Weak scaling - SolDB3D Q2 - v2.10 vs v2.9 Underworld's Gadi installation is setup as a

Autor Romain Beucher

Conda packages are now available for most of the underworldcode suite of software (Underworld, UWGeodynamics, Lavavu, Stripy) from the geo-down-under conda channel. Let’s face it. Users don’t want to spend time compiling code on their machine. It is time consuming, requires some specific skills and creates unnecessary hurdles in a workflow.

Autores Julian Giordani, John Mansour

Underworld 2.10 has been released! Available via docker (recommended), pip and source code . See here for more information on each install process. For a quick taste of Underworld try our binder cloud resource, a temporary "virtual sandbox" to explore the release and example models. Click the button below. This new release includes the following: Enhancements Using UWGeodynamics-2.10.1, see here.


One of the most popular cloud services for python / jupyter - based codes is binder ( which can transform an online repository into a running instance in the cloud with little effort on the part of the owner of that repository to set it up and no effort at all for the end user.

Autores John Mansour, Julian Giordani, Romain Beucher, Louis Moresi

The Underworld 2.9 release is available from Github, as a docker container and via zenodo (doi:10.5281/zenodo.3964957) it is also available through pip install for the first time (see below). Underworld paper in the Journal of Open Source Software The paper of record for underworld 2 has been published. It does tie to the Underworld 2.9 release but is sufficiently broad to cite for all 2.x releases.

Autor John Mansour

A new paper by John Mansour and others has just been published in the Journal of Open Source Software. Mansour, J., Giordani, J., Moresi, L., Beucher, R., Kaluza, O.,  Velic,  M., Farrington, R., Quenette, S., Beall, A., 2020, Underworld2:  Python  Geodynamics Modelling for Desktop, HPC and Cloud, Journal of Open