Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Publicado in Posts | Prof. Dr. Marco Kalz
Autor Marco Kalz

Due to lack of good open source project management systems and deficiencies of federal solutions and lack of a local system, I have explored again Nextcloud as an open source option for project management. While an initial search mostly delivers integrations to Open Project into Nextcloud, I had the goal to model a workflow of a project fully in Nextcloud.

Publicado in Posts | Prof. Dr. Marco Kalz
Autor Marco Kalz

I have long waited before I share a special case of AI generated publishing in the field of educational technology which needs a public reflection and review. Approximately 3 months ago, I have received a citation alert which made me curious. One of our papers has been cited by a team of authors who have published a book in German on “Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics”. The book has as subtitle “A machine generated overview”.

Publicado in Posts | Prof. Dr. Marco Kalz
Autor Marco Kalz

I have written at the end of the last semester a critical review of the concept of future-skills in German (preprint available here, still in review) In Germany, there is a plethora of activism around this concept and many higher education institutions feel the need to react to the hype around these skills.

Publicado in Posts | Prof. Dr. Marco Kalz
Autor Marco Kalz

Die Stellungnahme des Ethikrates “Mensch und Maschine – Herausforderungen durch Künstliche Intelligenz” ist eine sehr ausführliche Diskussion der Entwicklung und dort werden verschiedenen übergreifende Herausforderungen und Problemfelder von KI in verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Handlungsfeldern diskutiert. Der Unterabschnitt zu KI in der Schule ist mir aber nicht ausführlich genug und es fehlen aus meiner Sicht einige konkrete Probleme.

Publicado in Posts | Prof. Dr. Marco Kalz
Autor Marco Kalz

During a recent review process I have requested from authors that they should address from which standpoint they have approached their qualitative study. While I was referring in this comment the ontological and theoretical levels as formulated by Twining, Heller, Nussbaum & Tsai (2017) in the guidelines for the journal Computers &

Publicado in Posts | Prof. Dr. Marco Kalz
Autor Marco Kalz

„ChatGPT itself is a neutral tool, and how it is used depends on the intentions of those who use it.“ (Cohen, 2023). This messages is commmunicated by the US-based Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) to its 125 000 members (estimaton) regarding an AI-based tool which is currently pushing the discourse on AI in education.

Publicado in Posts | Prof. Dr. Marco Kalz
Autor Marco Kalz

„This has become a fashionable platitude, which…would result in a…content-free curriculum […]. This downgrading of knowledge is, ironies of ironies, to be implemented in the interest of creating a knowledge-based economy.“ (Coffield et al., 2004). It is a trend in nowadays discussion on education to criticize factual knowledge and the teaching and testing of it in educational institutions.