Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Publicado in Lucidarios

Terminé la última entrada describiendo el inusual comportamiento al entrenar dos modelos de transcripción en PyLaia, 7P y Lucidario B : Cuando las tasas de error en los sets de entrenamiento y de validación de un modelo HTR son demasiado altas, el modelo puede volverse a entrenar —que no es lo mismo que re-entrenarlo , algo que desaconsejo— para lograr nuevas iteraciones (versiones) que corrijan el problema.

Publicado in Lucidarios

Ha pasado casi un año desde mi última entrada sobre Transkribus y varias cosas han cambiado. Poco después de la última entrada, en marzo de 2023, la mejor y más eficiente máquina de HTR de Transkribus, CITLab+ (de la que hablo en estas entradas), fue retirada por una disputa de propiedad intelectual sobre el código de la máquina.

Publicado in Martin Paul Eve

I have suffered from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) for almost twenty years now, which is almost half my life. If I had known back at the start of my diagnosis what I know now, I do not know for sure that things would be very different, but there was a heck of a lot I did not know. How complex is this disease and the things it does? This complex: "Rheumatoid arthritis" sounds like the sort of disease that old people get that isn't very serious.

Publicado in Martin Paul Eve

Over the past few weeks I've been working to pack the entire Crossref database into a distributable SQLite file. While this sounds somewhat insane -- the resulting file is 900GB -- it's quite a cool project for, say, embedded systems work in situations where no internet connection is available. It also provides speedy local indexed lookups, working faster than the internet-dependent API ever could.

Publicado in Lucidarios

Entradas atrás, hablé del proceso de establecimiento del texto final en una edición: la constitutio textus . Central para el establecimiento de un texto es la evaluación ( recensio ) del elenco de la tradición manuscrita de una obra, y dentro de esta, realizar una comparación ( collatio ) que permita hacer surgir una versión definitiva –e idealmente fiel– del texto editado (realmente no se puede ir más allá, pues, como

Publicado in The Ideophone
Autor Mark Dingemanse

Language makes us human. But there is an interesting asymmetry in our willingness to ascribe linguistic capacities to non-humans: animals are seen as having none, whereas computers may well master it according to many. What curious conception of language makes this asymmetry possible? And what do Descartes and Turing have to do with it? Notes from a new essay about language between animals and computers.

Publicado in Lucidarios

En la entrada anterior de esta serie me referí a un testimonio perdido de conexión escolástica del Lucidario . Al revisar el ms. 13594 de la BNE, el segundo volumen del Índice y inventario de los libros que ay en la librería de don Diego Sarmiento de Acuña, conde de Gondomar, en su casa en Valladolid , hecho en abril de 1623, di con la siguiente entrada en el fol.

Publicado in Martin Paul Eve

As many of you know, I took secondment from my academic role this year to work on research and development at Crossref. A variety of factors inspired this, not least my health and wanting to be able to work from home. After a year, I have reflected on my experience of transferring to a very good employer outside of academia. If you did the same, your mileage might vary, because it all depends where you end up working and for whom.

Publicado in Martin Paul Eve

2023 continued to pose the all-important question: just how many health disasters can I endure? This year, I started haemodialysis as my kidneys entered the extremely worryingly named "end-stage renal failure". This turns out to be a very long-term prospect, as I can't have a transplant owing both to BK viremia (which caused the kidney damage in the first place) and a conflict with the immunosuppression that treats my rheumatoid arthritis.

Publicado in Martin Paul Eve

A letter to the Editor of the _Guardian_, who declined to publish it. Dear Madam, Your Economics Editor, Larry Elliott (5th December, “[I’ve got news for those who say Brexit is a disaster: it isn’t. That’s why rejoining is just a pipe dream](”), offers an opinion piece that appears to be based on little more than his own