Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Publicado in Critical Metascience
Autor Mark Rubin

Preregistration Distinguishes Between Exploratory and Confirmatory Research? Previous justifications for preregistration have focused on the distinction between “exploratory” and “confirmatory” research. However, as I discuss in this recent presentation, this distinction faces unresolved questions.

Publicado in Chris Hartgerink
Autor Chris Hartgerink

I am a member of the Society for Improvement of Psychological Science (SIPS) – have been since 2017. I joined their yearly conferences every other year starting in 2017, but I will not be joining the 2025 conference in Budapest, Hungary. For me, the big selling point of SIPS are the people – the location choice for 2025 (unintentionally) signals that some people are less important.

Publicado in Gemeinsamer Blog der DINI AGs
Autor Gastautorin(nen) und -autor(en)

Anfang Juni berichtete Nature über das Anliegen des japanischen Wissenschaftsministeriums, 10 Milliarden Yen in den Ausbau von institutionellen Open-Access-Repositorien zu investieren (Singh Chawla, 2024). Diese Initiative bietet einen guten Anlass, um auf dem 112. BiblioCon über die Zukunft von institutionellen Open-Access-Repositorien zu sprechen.

Publicado in Gemeinsamer Blog der DINI AGs
Autor Gastautorin(nen) und -autor(en)

Zu den wichtigsten Anforderungen an wissenschaftliches Publizieren – auch in digitaler Form – gehört, dass die Veröffentlichungen integer im Sinne von unverletzlich, datenstabil und konsistent sind.

Publicado in Leiden Madtrics

Over the past decade, a growing number of bibliometric analyses of varying quality have been published in the peer-reviewed literature. Despite this growth, surprisingly few published articles provide guidance on how a bibliometric analysis ought to be reported. Moreover, to our knowledge, these articles have been written based on the opinions/experiences of different researchers, as opposed to best evidence-informed practices.

Publicado in Gemeinsamer Blog der DINI AGs
Autor Gastautor(en)

Persistente Identifier in Forschungsinformationssystemen Forschungsinformationssysteme (FIS) sind zentrale Instrumente für die Verwaltung und Analyse von Forschungsaktivitäten an Hochschulen. Eine wesentliche Komponente dieser Systeme sind Identifier, die eine eindeutige Identifikation von Informationsobjekten ermöglichen.

Publicado in Samuel Moore
Autor Samuel Moore

Today Janneke Adema and I published a new article in the journal New Formations entitled ‘‘Just One Day of Unstructured Autonomous Time’: Supporting Editorial Labour for Ethical Publishing within the University’. The article will be available in our repositories but is also currently freely accessible via the New Formations site: (although I’m not

Publicado in Chris Hartgerink
Autor Chris Hartgerink

In the run up to the European elections, I received a moderation report for a post that contained misleading polling information on the Mastodon server I am responsible for. As a result, AkademieNL now has a new server rule, as formulated above. This blog post dives a bit into the need for this rule and how I came to it. The reported post contained misleading election information.