Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Publicado in Elephant in the Lab
Autor Martin Schmidt

This is a crosspost from Open Interview thatbrings you Beall’s exclusive interview with Santosh C Hulagabali . In this interview, he has answered all pertinent questions with regard to Indian and Asian publishing practices, trends, issues, challenges and ways to mitigate the hurdles. Indian academic community- especially library professionals have high regard for your fight against dubious

Publicado in Elephant in the Lab
Autor Philip Nebe

From Subscriptions to Publish and Read The DEAL consortium negotiates nationwide licensing agreements for its “nearly 700 mostly publicly funded academic institutions in Germany such as universities, universities of applied sciences, research institutions and state and regional libraries”. Of concern are three major negotiations, namely those with the large corporate publishers Elsevier, Springer Nature, and Wiley.

Publicado in Elephant in the Lab
Autor Philip Nebe

New digital research infrastructures and the advent of online distribution channels are changing the realities of scientific knowledge creation and dissemination. Yet, the measurement of scientific impact that funders, policy makers, and research organizations perpetuate fails to sufficiently recognize these developments.

Publicado in Elephant in the Lab
Autor Martin Schmidt

His dissertation is excellent. He is widely recognized as a talented lecturer. Then the news comes: he is a fraud. And almost no one had noticed anything.   In the summer semester of 2014, Dr. Christian M. held the introductory lecture course, History of Political Thought, every Monday from 2 to 4pm. Plato, Kant, Marx, the great thinkers;