Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Publicado in iPhylo

Over the last few months I've been exploring different ways to view scientific articles on the iPad, summarised here. I've also made a few prototypes, either from scratch (such as my response to the PLoS iPad app) or using Sencha Touch (see Touching citations on the iPad).Today, it's time for something a little different. The Sencha Touch framework I used earlier is huge and wasn't easy to get my head around.

Publicado in Science in the Open
Autor Cameron Neylon

Yesterday, along with Chris Thorpe and Ian Mulvany I was involved in what I imagine might be the first of a series of demos of Wave as it could apply to scientists and researchers more generally. You can see the backup video I made in case we had no network on Viddler.

Publicado in iPhylo

I've put the my Elsevier Challenge demo online. I'm still loading data into it, so it will grow over the next day or so. There's also the small matter of writing a paper on what's under the hood of the demo. Feel free to leave comments on the demo home page.For some example of what the project does, take a look at Mitochondrial paraphyly in a polymorphic poison frog species (Dendrobatidae;