Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Publicado in Quintessence of Dust
Autor Stephen Matheson

For five years through 2018, our humanist community, the Humanist Hub*, met every Sunday afternoon at our suite in Harvard Square for fellowship, music, and a speaker. Our advisory board included luminaries of humanism such as Rebecca Goldstein, Steven Pinker, and Dan Dennett. These friends of the organization regularly spoke at Humanist Hub events.

Publicado in Quintessence of Dust
Autor Stephen Matheson

A few days ago I wrote about scientific thinking as an antidote to intuition. Not just an alternative to it, but something like the opposite of intuition. The intentional, energy-consuming move to a systematic deliberative mode of thought is utterly different from the easy and instantaneous nature of intuition.

Publicado in Quintessence of Dust
Autor Stephen Matheson

I've been writing and thinking about design in biology since I started Quintessence of Dust . I want to write and think about it a lot more, so in my last post I introduced my view of the concept and pointed ahead to this post, which consists of edited excerpts from some conversations at a discussion forum at the Peaceful Science site. You will find links to those conversations in the previous post.

Publicado in Quintessence of Dust
Autor Stephen Matheson

One of the most interesting books I've read in the last few years was The Gene's-Eye View of Evolution by J. Arvid Ågren. The author explains the gene's-eye view both scientifically and historically, and I hope to write about the book sometime soon. But for now there's one point he makes that I found fascinating.

Publicado in Quintessence of Dust
Autor Stephen Matheson

I've reviewed a few books over the years here at Quintessence of Dust , but From Extraterrestrials to Animal Minds: Six Myths of Evolution by Simon Conway Morris was the first book I blogged through that I was genuinely excited about reading.

Publicado in Liberate Science
Autor Patrick Sobrak-Seaton

Over the past month, I participated in a workshop led by Cassie Evans and Smashing Magazine called "The SVG Animation Masterclass". It was a fantastic workshop and inspires me to do more with animations for liberate science designs in the future. Watch this space, but until then, here's some things I wanted to share with you about my journey into animated SVGs.

Publicado in Liberate Science
Autor Patrick Sobrak-Seaton

Since the first discussions about Hypergraph, accessibility has been a priority. We recently completed an accessibility audit, and while things aren’t perfectly accessible, we know where to focus our energy. I firmly believe accessibility does more for a product than expanding the pool of potential users, but also serves as an idealized baseline of design and engineering.