Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

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I've stumbled on a case where two different publishers have issued different DOIs for the same articles. In this case, Springer and J-State both publish the Japanese Journal of Ichthyology (ISSN 0021-5090). The following article:is published by Springer with the DOI, and this DOI is registered with CrossRef. J-Stage publish the same article, with the DOI (

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Quick note that as much as I like that the Biodiversity Heritage Library is using DOIs, they are generating them for publications that already have them (or are acquiring them from other sources). For example, here are the two DOIs for the same article (formatted using the DOI Citation Formatter), one from BHL and one from the Smithsonian:The BHL DOI resolves to a page in BHL, the other DOI resolves to the a page in the Smithsonian Digital

Publicado in iPhylo

As part of a project to map taxonomic citations to bibliographic identifiers I'm tackling strings like this (from the ION record for Pseudomyrmex crudelis ):Systematics, biogeography and host plant associations of the Pseudomyrmex viduus group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Triplaris- and Tachigali-inhabiting ants. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 126(4), August 1999: 451-540.