Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Publicado in Chroknowlogy
Autor Joshua Chalifour

This morning, upon learning of the newly negotiated NAFTA or as it seems to be called now USMCA, I sent the following letter to ministers of the current Canadian government. I appreciate the very difficult and complex work involved in negotiating the new version of NAFTA with the USA and Mexico.

Publicado in Science in the Open
Autor Cameron Neylon

Response to Request for Information – FR Doc. 2011-28623 Dr Cameron Neylon – U.K. based research scientist writing in a personal capacity Introduction Thank you for the opportunity to respond to this request for information. As a researcher based in the United Kingdom and Europe, it might be argued that I have a conflict of interest. In some ways it is in my interest for U.S. federally funded research to be uncompetitive.

Publicado in Science in the Open
Autor Cameron Neylon

Dear Representatives Maloney and Issa, I am writing to commend your strong commitment to the recognition of intellectual property contributions to research communication. As we move to a modern knowledge economy, supported by the technical capacity of the internet, it is crucial that we have clarity on the ownership of intellectual property arising from the federal investment in research.

Publicado in Science in the Open
Autor Cameron Neylon

The following is my contribution to a collection prepared by the British Library and released today at the Wellcome Trust, called “Driving UK Research. Is copyright a help or a hindrance?” which is being released under a CC-BY-NC license. The British Library kindly allowed authors to retain copyright on their contributions so I am here releasing the text into the public domain via a CCZero waiver.

Publicado in Science in the Open
Autor Cameron Neylon

For those not in the UK this will probably be a little parochial. Don Foster is my local MP in Bath. The Digital Economy Bill, currently going through a “wash-up” process triggered by the announcement of a general election yesterday in the British Parliament has drawn extensive criticism from most of the British technology community. Last night an unprecedented number of people followed its second reading on BBC and via Twitter.

Publicado in Chroknowlogy
Autor Joshua Chalifour

Communia published its Public Domain Manifesto . The manifesto identifies the public domain concept with respect to historical development and more urgently, its relevance to culture today. I think it makes an important statement, in terms of offering a level, common understanding that could be used widely across society, government, and business.