Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Publicado in kumulonimbus

Probablemente sientes que estamos inundados con información sobre la evolución de la pandemia de COVID-19. Sin embargo, nada mejor que manejar los datos uno mismo y analizarlos desde distintos puntos de vista. Creo que siempre hay alguien que observará algo en los datos que se nos ha escapado a millones de observadores y creo que cualquier aporte en esta emergencia mundial es valioso.

Publicado in kumulonimbus

Leaflet es una biblioteca de Javascript para hacer mapas y existe un paquete homónimo para que permite usar todo el potencial de leaflet en nuestros mapas y hacerlos interactivos y aptos para móviles. Para crear un mapa en blanco se usa la función leaflet. La función addTiles() agrega “tiles” de OpenStreetMap.

Publicado in iPhylo

Notes to self on web map-style tree viewers. The basic idea is to use Google Maps or Leaflet to display a tree. Hence we need to compute tiles. One approach is to use a database that supports spatial queries to store the x,y coordinates of the tree. When we draw a tile we compute the coordinates of that tile, based on position and zoom level, do a spatial query to extract all lines that intersect with the rectangle for that tile, and draw those.

Publicado in iPhylo

BioStor now has 150,000 articles. When I wrote a paper describing how BioStor worked it had 26,784 articles, so things have progressed somewhat! I continue to tweak the interface to BioStor, trying different ways to explore the articles. Spatial search I've tweaked spatial search in BioStor.

Publicado in iPhylo

One of my frustrations with the GBIF portal is that it is hard to drill down and search in a specific area. You have to zoom in and then click for a list of occurrences in the current bounding box of the map. You can't, for example, draw a polygon such as the boundary of a protected area and search within that area.