Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

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This website is all about niche tech tips and this post is no exception. I run a Plex media server. This allows me to stream my music collection when I am out and about. Plex pass owners get the nifty plexamp app for listening to music, which I really like. The databasing for the movie and TV show side of Plex works great, but the music side has its peculiarities. The problem I have a large music library.

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Niche tech tips are the cornerstone of this website, and here is another. How to upgrade an iTunes/Music library whilst maintaining the database. I know everyone streams music these days – hence this is likely a very niche tech tip – but I still maintain a large music database on a server. The data in my library is precious (to me) since it tracks my listening habits over 17 years.

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A quick tech tip. I usually use Audacity for converting audio files and I have a few simple macros set up in there to make life easy. I had some opus music files which do not play in Apple’s Music app and therefore needed converting to MP3 format. Annoyingly, Audacity 3.1.2 on macOS does not currently import opus files, so I needed to find an alternative. The command line tool ffmpeg can be used to convert audio files. So how can we do it?

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Autor Valie Djordjevic

Von Sweety dem Kücken bis zum aktuellen Lieblingshit – das Geschäft mit Klingeltönen für’s Mobiltelefon boomt. Moderne Handys spielen auch MP3-Dateien ab – aber wie sieht es urheberrechtlich aus mit Klingeltönen? Darf man sie kopieren, verschenken oder selbermachen? Während CD-Verkäufe rückläufig sind, kann die Musikindustrie mit Klingeltönen immer noch Geld verdienen, wie die minutenlangen Werbeblöcke bei Viva und MTV beweisen.