Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

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The Force2021 conference will take place from December 7-9. The conference will be virtual, and registration is free. And we will again be hosting a Force2021 hackathon, as co-located virtual event on December 6 and December 10. We will meet for four hours each (1 PM - 5 PM GMT) and will communicate via Zoom.

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On July 12, 2016, DataCite invited Andreas Rauber to present the recommendations for dynamic data citation of the RDA Data Citation Working Group in a webinar. Andreas is one of the co-chairs of the RDA working group, and he gave a throughout overview of the recommendations, and the thinking that went into them. The final recommendations are available since last fall, and the current focus of the working group is to help with implementations.

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This week most of the DataCite staff is attending the Force16 conference in Portland, Oregon. Force16 brings together a large group of people who either already work with DataCite in one way or another, or are doing interesting projects of relevance to DataCite. ImpactStory is a non-profit that helps scientists learn where their research is being cited, shared, saved and more.

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One of my personal highlights in last week's Research Data Alliance (RDA) 6th Plenary Meeting in Paris was the Data Packages Birds of a Feather (BoF), organized by Rufus Pollock from the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN). He highlighted the urgent need for packacking data in a standard format to facilitate reuse, and described the extensive work the OKFN has done on data packages.

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The Research Data Alliance 6th Plenary last week discussed numerous topics very relevant to DataCite. Below is a short subjective list of topics I found interesting. If you attended RDA, feel free to add your thoughts in the comments. And if you didn't attend, you can still provide feedback.

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Yesterday DataCite and ePIC co-hosted the workshop Persistent Identifiers: Enabling Services for Data Intensive Research. Below is a short summary of the tweets, all using the hashtag #pid_paris. The last tweet shows the views from the reception. If you have any questions or comments about the event, use the hashtag #pid_paris on Twitter, or use the comments of this blog.

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At the SciFoo Camp this weekend Erin McKiernan and I moderated an unconference session on the topic Why should we work where we live? This was a spontaneous idea after we had talked about this topic on Friday (Erin lives in Mexico with a job in Canada, I live in Germany and work for an organization in San Francisco). We quickly realized that this situation is far from uncommon in the space we work in (science and science

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Last month at the Force15 conference in Oxford Ian Mulvany and I ran a workshop on data citation support in reference managers. The report of that workshop isn’t done yet, but I can say that it was a success - we now have a pretty good idea what the problems are and what needs to be done to fix them. The short summary of the workshop is in this slide deck of the presentation that summarized the workshop for the other Force15 attendees.