Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Publicado in Irish Plants
Autor Jake Dalzell

The model in this post is based on the one in Cameron et al. (2009), improving how seed dispersal is modelled and the dynamics are visualised. I have become a bit obsessed with hemiparasitic plants recently. When I found Cameron et al.’s paper on how Yellow Rattle can create interesting spatial dynamics in grasslands¹, I got quite excited. I have been learning python this year so I thought I may as well try to replicate their model.

Publicado in iPhylo

I rather skirted around the notion of "taxonomic concepts" in the previous post, partly because it's easy to end up with trying to have a concept for each utterance every made by a taxonomist, and that doesn't seem, er, scalable. So, I have a more limited view of a taxonomic concept, namely a name attached to some data.

Publicado in iPhylo

Time to make some notes. I've been playing with using Sematic Mediawiki to create a database of taxonomic names, literature, specimens, sequences, and phylogenies. One challenge is to come up with simple ways to model these entities, in a way that makes both data entry simple and querying as simple as possible. Some things are straightforward. For example, a publication can be modelled like this:OK, I've ignored the attributes.