Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Publicado in iPhylo

Notes to self on web map-style tree viewers. The basic idea is to use Google Maps or Leaflet to display a tree. Hence we need to compute tiles. One approach is to use a database that supports spatial queries to store the x,y coordinates of the tree. When we draw a tile we compute the coordinates of that tile, based on position and zoom level, do a spatial query to extract all lines that intersect with the rectangle for that tile, and draw those.

Publicado in iPhylo

Imagine a web site where researchers can go, log in (easily) and get a list of all the species they have described (with pretty pictures and, say, GBIF map), and a list of all DNA sequences/barcodes (if any) that they've published. Imagine that this is displayed in a colourful way (e.g., badges), and the results tweeted with the hastag #itaxonomist.

Publicado in iPhylo

Note to self about a possible project. This PLoS ONE paper: describes a method for inferring a hierarchy from a set of tags (and cites related work that is of interest). I've grabbed the code and data from and put it on GitHub. Possible project Use Tibély et al. method (or others) on taxonomic names extracted from BHL text (or other) and see if we can reconstruct taxonomic classifications.