Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Publicado in lab.sub - Articles

I tried to improve the downlad-time and size of the assets used in this blog. This is mainly about optimizing the images for web. Not only that all JavaScript from this site has been removed previously, the images were a huge factor in the traffic of this page.. The images used in this blog are of different types. We use PNG, JPEG and SVG. Some of these files are huge and not optimized for web use.

Publicado in lab.sub - Articles
Autor Mathias Göbel

A data import is part of most of our projects and in some cases, we need to re-import all the data from time to time. This post shows how you can delegate this task to a GitLab CI job and start it by adding a certain keyword to your commit message. What is the problem? There are several circumstances when a data import (or a re-import) is required.

Publicado in lab.sub - Articles

First of all - I could have put much more words in the title because we are covering a complete workflow for our TYPO3 documentation (for our customers and their sites). We will see the tools used, how it is organized and finally how it is deployed. Format TYPO3 used to use an OpenOffice-based documentation shipped as *.sxw files ages ago.

Publicado in lab.sub - Articles

On many of our Websites we have contact forms. And recently there seems to be an elevated number of bots filling out these forms with spam data. That’s especially a problem, when a contact form is directly connected to an Issue Tracker, that automatically generates an issue when a mail to a specified address arrives. A possible solution for avoiding automated form-fills is using CAPTCHAs.

Publicado in lab.sub - Articles

In our University - and also our Data-Center GWDG we use Open-Source Software whenever it is possible. So, instead of using proprietary Video Conferencing Services, such as Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft Teams / Skype, the GWDG provided us a reliable Big Blue Button Service. This Software is - compared to the proprietary solutions mentioned above - limited in its functionality, especially the fun part!

Publicado in Flavours of Open

updated: Dec 28, 2023 Please feel free to leave suggestions, critical notes, etc. via comments (see Annotation sidebar tab on the top-right of your screen) and I’ll make sure to add these to the main text. DOI: Table of Contents BigBlueButton — video alternative for teaching, learning, collaboration in projects, etc.

Publicado in lab.sub - Articles

The way we are using TYPO3 has constantly been changed in the last 10 years. I will show you, how we use state-of-the-art technologies to optimize and automatize the way of building and deploying our TYPO3 sites. History There were times no source code repository existed and everything was done live on the server. Then we had monolithic repositories in Subversion (do you member?) where each and everything belonging to the site was stored.

With more than 2.2 billion active users—six times as many as Twitter—Facebook is by far the largest social media platform on the web today. Yet despite its popularity, studies investigating Facebook sharing have reported surprisingly low levels of user engagement with scholarly research on the platform. Are Facebook users really sharing fewer academic articles than Twitter users?

Publicado in lab.sub - Articles

This blog post accompanies my DH-Tech talk about config management. tl;dr : There is a recording available. Problems with infrastructure administration Operating an infrastructure can be hard. Among the most common problems is that of reproducibility, i.e. Is the documentation both current and correct? Is it clear how to do a fresh install or set up a secondary system? Another is that of uniformity, i.e. are there any standards?