Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Publicado in A blog by Ross Mounce
Autor Ross Mounce

Doing some information research ahead of my imminent OKCon 2011, Berlin talk, it’s come to my attention that the Open Access journal PLoS ONE is actually an excellent journal to publish in, with respect to Impact Factor. In the Digital Age, journals are merely vessels in which we can publish our research.

Publicado in A blog by Ross Mounce
Autor Ross Mounce

What’s your Norell number? Taking inspiration from the Erdős number game, I thought I’d use ColWiz‘s ‘Link Explorer’ function, and my citeulike bibliographic data to explore (in a highly unscientific way!) the authorship connections between people in my reference database of ~2750 papers. Mark A Norell has LOADS of publications.