Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Publicado in iPhylo

Readers of this blog will know that I'm sceptical about the current value of linked data and RDF in biodiversity informatics. But I came across an interesting paper on RDF and biocuration that suggests a good "use case" for RDF in constructing and curating taxonomic databases.The paper is "Catching inconsistencies with the semantic web: a biocuration case study" (PDF here) by Jerven Bolleman and Sebastien Gehant.

Publicado in chem-bla-ics

Update : Mark wrote up a blog post on the RDF that the ChEMBL team itself. Yesterday, the paper “The ChEMBL database as linked open data” (doi:10.1186/1758-2946-5-23) by Andra Waagmeester (@andrawaag), Ola Spjuth (@ola_spjuth), Peter Ansell (@p_ansell), Antony Williams (@chemconnector), Valery Tkachenko, Janna Hastings, Bin Chen (@binchenindiana), David J Wild (@davidjohnwild), and me appeared in the OA JChemInf journal.

Publicado in iPhylo

Quick final comment on the TDWG Challenge - what is RDF good for?. As I noted in the previous post, Olivier Rovellotti (@orovellotti) and Javier de la Torre (@jatorre) have produced some nice visualisations of the frog data set:Nice as these are, I can't help feeling that they actually help make my point about the current state of RDF in biodiversity informatics.

Publicado in iPhylo

OK, a bit of hyperbole in the morning. One of the goals of RDF is to create the Semantic Web, an interwoven network of data seamlessly linked by shared identifiers and shared vocabularies. Everyone uses the same identifiers for the same things, and when they describe these things they use the same terms. Simples.Of course, the reality is somewhat different.

Publicado in chem-bla-ics

Update 2021-02 : this post is still the second-most read post in my blog. Welcome! Some updates: Ammar Ammar in our BiGCaT group has set up a new SPARQL endpoint. Please use and tweet. blog, or otherwise let others now how you use the ChEMBL RDF. Since this post I have blogged a lot more about ChEMBL. Update : this work is now written down in this paper.

Publicado in iPhylo

Being in an unusually constructive mood, I've spent the last couple of days playing with the TreeBASE II API, in an effort to find out how hard it would be to replace TreeBASE's frankly ghastly interface.After some hair pulling and bad language I've got something to work. It's very crude, but gives a glimpse at what can be done.