Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Publicado in Science in the Open
Autor Cameron Neylon

As part of the BioSysBio meeting being held in London 20-22 of April, Mattias Rantalainen kindly asked me to contribute to a workshop on Open Science being held on the Wednesday. A number of OpenWetWare people including Julius Lucks and John Cumbers have agreed to come on board to help. You can see the draft abstract which is up at OpenWetWare.

Publicado in iPhylo

Slides from the recent Phyloinformatics workshop in Edinburgh are now online at the e-Science Institute. In case the e-Science Institute site disappears I've posted the slides on slideshare. | View | Upload your ownHeiko Schmidt has also posted some photos of the proceedings, demonstrating how distraught the particpants were that I couldn't make it.

Publicado in iPhylo

Argh!!! The phyloinformatics workshop at Edinburgh's eScience Centre is underway (program of talks available here as an iCalendar file), and I'm stranded in Germany for personal reasons I won't bore readers with. The best and brightest gather less than an hour from my home town to talk about one of my favourite subjects, and I can't be there. Talk about frustration!