Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Publicado in chem-bla-ics

Recent Developments of the Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) - An Open-Source Java Library for Chemo- and Bioinformatics (green OA) discusses (reasonably) recent additions to the CDK. It appeared in issue 17 of this years Current Pharmaceutical Design volume, after being too long in the queue after being accepted; but I am happy that it is out now.

Publicado in chem-bla-ics

Together with Christoph, Christian and Jerome, I will be representing the Blue Obelisk movement on the first First Workshop on Chemoinformatics in Europe with the topic Research and Teaching . Though I wonder what this theme excludes? Development? Can’t imagine that commercials companies will not be represented as usual. Moreover, it will likely include some bioinformatics too, unless you consider that to deal with sequences only.

Publicado in chem-bla-ics

Here are some quick download statistics for some of the chemblaics components. First Jmol. The new stable Jmol 10.2 was release just over a week ago, and this obviously boosted downloads, breaking the monthly download total of two earlier this year (source): Statistics for the CDK include download numbers for the CDK library itself, but for JChemPaint, the CDK News, and several other packages too. Totals are at about 1/3rd of Jmol.

Publicado in chem-bla-ics

I have not blogged for about a week now, and been too busy with other things, like finishing my PhD articles/manuscript, my new job at the CUBIC where I continued the work on proper protein support in Bioclipse using the CDK and Jmol: The latter involves getting the CdkJmolAdapter , the interface between the CDK and Jmol, updated for changes since the Jmol as 3D viewer for CDK article in CDK News , the open

Publicado in chem-bla-ics

An InChI (or see the FAQ) is a line notation for a molecular structure that was recently developed by the NIST and the IUPAC. Principally they can be applied to protein too (see below), but because proteins would give lenghty InChI’s and are quite well defined in terms of connectivity anyway, those can better be described by their amino acid sequence.

Publicado in chem-bla-ics

OpenSource, OpenData and OpenStandards are not as strong in chemoinformatics as they are in bioinformatcs, where it is common knowledge that sharing is a good. Today, the JCIM published on the web an article about the Blue Obelisk movement, which promotes these three idealogies. Several open source projects participate, amongst which the CDK, Jmol, JOELib, OpenBabel, Chemical Markup Language, Bioclipse and Kalzium.

Publicado in chem-bla-ics

Gemma Holiday’s article on CMLReact was published in the january issue of the JCIM (doi:10.1021/ci0502698), which seems to be marked as sample issue right now. She used CMLReact as data format for MACiE (see doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bti693), a database of 100 enzyme reactions, with fully annotated reaction mechanisms, making this an remarkable and insightfull database.

Publicado in chem-bla-ics

This weekend I continued my work on getting the CDK and Jmol run with free, open source JVMs. Really, a lot works fine, as reported earlier in this blog: JChemPaint works and Jmol almost works (see the Classpath’s FreeSwingTestApps wiki page), and well over 95% of the CDK JUnit tests run without trouble too. So it comes down to identifying what does not run properly, and file bugs for this. For example, 26101 and 26108.