Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Publicado in Elephant in the Lab
Autor Antonia Lingens

Climate skeptics, conspiracy theorists, and the anti-immunization movement are on the rise. At the same time, fraudulent research and issues with the replicability of scientific results prompt the question if science is still a reliable source for political decision-making. In your opinion: Where is science going wrong? The divide between science and society is not necessarily the fault of society and a few crazy individuals.

Publicado in Elephant in the Lab
Autor Antonia Lingens

Why do you care about impact? It is quite important to understand some aspects of geology to give us the insights of how the earth has evolutioned throughout times, what happened to climate and thus predict how it will change in future. This is one reason why I care about impact. Another one – a lot of the work we do is related to the oil industry. So we help them to find solutions that make this work more efficient and safe.

Publicado in Elephant in the Lab
Autor Antonia Lingens

What is PeVO? PeVO stands for “Publish and evaluate Onchain”. We are creating a decentralized publication platform which aims to change the way science is accessed, created, published and evaluated by using the blockchain technology. It helps us to create an immutable digital archive which is going to be free and unrestricted.

Publicado in Elephant in the Lab
Autor Martin Schmidt

What is scientific impact? Scientific impact reflects the influence that a finding or publication has on science or on society. Such impact can be short term or long term and it is important not to emphasize one over the other to too great an extent.

Publicado in
Autor Henry Steinhau

Die Regelungen und Reformpläne beim Jugendmedienschutz stehen immer wieder in der Kritik, den Gegebenheiten des Internet nicht gerecht zu werden. Auch der aktuelle Reformvorschlag sei mit seinen Vorgaben für abgestufte Alterskennzeichnungen nicht praktikabel, sagt der SPD-Netzpolitiker Henning Tillmann.

Publicado in iPhylo

As part of BHL's "Celebrating 10 years of inspiring discovery through free access to biodiversity knowledge" at the NHM and Kew Gardens in London, I was interviewed by Martin Kalfatovic (@UDCMRK). We chatted about BHL, the work I've been doing on BioStor, and the future of BHL.

Publicado in Front Matter

This blog occasionally does interviews with people providing interesting tools for scholars. These interviews have always been among my favorite blog posts. This now is obviously an interview with myself, but I felt this is the best format to explain some important news. Starting May 16 I will be working full-time as technical lead for the PLoS Article Level Metrics (ALM) project.

Publicado in Front Matter

figshare allows researchers to publish all of their research outputs in seconds in an easily citable, sharable and discoverable manner. The service was started by Mark Hahnel last year while still a PhD student. Mark joined Digital Science to work on figshare in September and last month relaunched a much improved version of the service. I asked Mark a few questions about figshare below.

Publicado in Front Matter

Citation styles are one of the greater mysteries for the novice manuscript writer. There are numerous ways that authors, title, journal, etc. can be arranged and formatted (see examples below), and in bibliographies citations can be ordered either alphabetically or by order of appearance in the text. Laemmli UK . Cleavage of Structural Proteins during the Assembly of the Head of Bacteriophage T4.