Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Publicado in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

As I was clearing out some clutter, I came across this hand-written list of projects that I wanted to get completed: {.aligncenter .size-large .wp-image-13257 loading=“lazy” attachment-id=“13257” permalink=“” orig-file=“” orig-size=“1522,2078” comments-opened=“1”

Publicado in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

I hate to keep flogging a dead horse, but since this issue won’t go away I guess I can’t, either. 1. Two years ago, I wrote about how you have to pay to download Elsevier’s “open access” articles.

Publicado in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

In a recent comment, Doug wrote: If I want to be a truly educated observer of Tyrannosaurus rex mounts, what 5 things should I look for in a reconstruction to assess if it is true to our current scientific understanding? I’m not talking tail dragging/upright at this point…we are well past that I hope.

Publicado in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

Suppose, hypothetically, that you worked for an organisation whose nominal goal is the advancement of science, but which has mutated into a highly profitable subscription-based publisher. And suppose you wanted to construct a study that showed the alternative — open-access publishing — is inferior.

Publicado in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

No time for anything new, so here’s a post built from parts of other, older posts. The fourth sacral centrum of Haplocanthosaurus CM 879, in left and right lateral view. This is part of the original color version of Wedel (2009: figure 8), from this page. (Yes, I know I need to get around to posting the full-color versions of those figures. It’s on my To Do list.) Note the big invasive fossa on the right side of the centrum.

Publicado in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

By a curious coincidence, today’s Bob The Angry Flower cartoon is all about the Archbishop description. Enjoy. But, hey, at least I got my confession in early — I was officially the first participant to fail the 2010 Paleo Project Challenge. THIS year, for sure!

Publicado in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

Here’s another dual-purpose post (part 1 is here), wherein I use some of Brian Engh’s cool art to riff on a related topic (with kind permission–thanks, Brian!). Back when he was first planning his awesome Sauroposeidon life restoration, Brian sent these head studies: (Note that Brian’s ideas were still evolving at this point, and he roofed the nasal chamber with a keratinous resonating chamber instead of the inflatable sac seen in

Publicado in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

This one’s mostly a housekeeping post, to keep you abreast of some notable developments with SV-POW!sketeers and friends. Added April 29 – I’m such a tool, forgot to mention that another awesomely niche-y blog has been unleashed on the paleo-blogosphere: March of the Fossil Penguins, by our friend and sometime sauropod-describer Dan Ksepka.

Publicado in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

I made brachiosaur sand-sculptures. (And yes, it’s that Daniel Taylor, the author of Taylor 2005 — a copy of which apparently hangs on the wall of the Padian Lab.) But wait!  Is the brachiosaur truly asleep, as it seems, or is it actually the victim of a mighty hunter?