Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

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I like to set up a standardised directory structure for RStudio projects. The idea came from here. In brief, the structure is: Data/ Output/Data/ Output/Plots/ Script/ My typical workflow is therefore to: select File > New Project in RStudio make a new directory and RProj file then use this R script or these shell commands to setup the directories. So far, so good. However, this process is a bit tedious.

Publicado in quantixed

I recently made my first R package and was asked how I did it. The answer of course was: I searched, read, and stumbled around until it was done. But having gone through the process I figured it was worthwhile summarising what I did and what I found tricky. First off, there are a ton of resources out there that describe how to go about building a package.

After soliciting, reviewing, and publishing over 100 blog posts and tech notes by rOpenSci community members, we have created the rOpenSci Blog Guide for Authors and Editors to address many frequently asked questions and frequently given suggestions. Technically, we structured the content as a bookdown gitbook.

Publicado in kumulonimbus

Leaflet es una biblioteca de Javascript para hacer mapas y existe un paquete homónimo para que permite usar todo el potencial de leaflet en nuestros mapas y hacerlos interactivos y aptos para móviles. Para crear un mapa en blanco se usa la función leaflet. La función addTiles() agrega “tiles” de OpenStreetMap.

Publicado in kumulonimbus

RStudio es el entorno de desarrollo para R más popular hoy en día. Su instalación en Manjaro (y otras distribuciones basadas en Arch Linux) es muy sencilla pero requiere usar el repositorio mantenidos por los usuarios, conocido como Arch User Repository (AUR). Usualmente, se usaba yaourt para instalar paquetes del AUR pero dado que este fue descontinuado, tendremos que instalar yay , uno de sus sustitutos.