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rOpenSci - open tools for open science

rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Open Tools and R Packages for Open Science
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Auteur Jeroen Ooms

A few weeks ago, prof Matt Crump wrote a blog post in which he explores tools to handle MIDI data in R, in preparation for a cognition experiment that involves creating musical stimuli. In the article he ends up using a mix of external command line tools ffmpeg and fluidsynth and a python module.


The package waywiser maintained by Mike Mahoney provides ergonomic methods for assessing spatial models.Assessing predictive models of spatial data can be challenging,both because these models are typically built for extrapolating outside the original region represented by training data and due to potential spatially structured errors,with “hot spots” of higher than expected error clustered geographically due to spatial structure in the

Auteur Jeroen Ooms

Abstract / TLDR R-universe now builds WASM binaries of all R packages for use in WebR applications (such as shinylive). For example to test the dev version of dplyr, you can open the WebR demo page and run:install.packages('dplyr', repos = c('', '')) As explained below, not all R packages are supported yet;


As part of our multilingual publishing project, and with funding from the R Consortium, we’ve worked on the R package babeldown for translating Markdown-based content using the DeepL API.In this tech note, we’ll show how you can use babeldown to translate a Hugo blog post!Motivation Translating a Markdown blog post from your R console is not only more comfortable (when you’ve already written said blog post in R), but also less frustrating.With

Auteur Jeroen Ooms

Introducing shortlinks! On r-universe you can find package repositories from many different organizations and maintainers. But sometimes you just want to lookup a particular CRAN package, without knowing the developer.The new shortlink service lets you navigate or link directly to the r-universe homepage and docs of any established CRAN package.

Auteur Jeroen Ooms

Downloading repository snapshots The new snapshot API lets you download a full copy of any CRAN-like repository on r-universe. You can use such a snapshot to mirror the entire CRAN-like repository on your own servers, or for example to build a stable, validated release of your package suite. The API endpoint is simply /api/snapshot and has several options to filter content.


A lot of what I do as rOpenSci’s community assistant is related to social media.I check for posts about rOpenSci packages, invite people to share usecases,advertise upcoming events, as well as promotingnew packages which completed software peer review.