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Syntaxus baccata

Syntaxus baccata
Thoughts about bibliographic metadata, programming, statistics, taxonomy, and biology.
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Version 0.7.9 of Citation.js comes with a new feature: plugin-bibtex now supports the import and export of Data Annotations in BibLaTeX files. This means ORCID identifiers from DOI, Wikidata, CFF, and other sources can now be exported to BibLaTeX. Combined with a BibLaTeX style that displays ORCID identifiers, you can now quickly improve your reference lists with ORCIDs.


On the Fediverse, posited the question how to include identifiers for authors in Bib(La)TeX-based bibliographies: I have wanted to try including ORCIDs in bibliographies for a while now, and while CSL-JSON makes it nearly trivial to encode, neither CSL styles nor CSL processors are at the point where those can actually be inserted in the formatted bibliography.


Version 0.5.0 Version 0.5.0 of Citation.js was released on April 1st, 2021. BibTeX and BibLaTeX After the update to the Bib(La)TeX file parser, described in the earlier BibTeX Rework: Syntax Update blog post, the mapping of BibTeX and BibLaTeX data to CSL-JSON was also updated. The mapping is now split in two, one for BibLaTeX (which is backwards-compatible with BibTeX) and one for BibTeX.


A rework of the BibTeX parser has been on the backlog since at least August 15, 2017, and recently I started working on actually carrying it out — systematically. There were a number of things to be improved: Complete syntax support: again, supporting BibTeX by looking at examples leads in a lack of support for less seen features like @string, @preamble and parentheses for enclosing entries instead of braces.


The new update (Citation.js v0.2.10) doesn't have a big impact on the API, but a lot has changed in the back end. ("back end" as in the helper functions that are called when the API is used.) First of all, there is Travis build tests now. It doesn't have edge test cases yet, but it covers the basics. Testing the basic specs The main thing is the new BibTeX I/O system. It isn't completely new, but a lot has changed.