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The Force11 Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles (Data Citation Synthesis Group, 2014) highlight the importance of giving scholarly credit to all contributors: The EC-funded THOR project that DataCite is involved in addresses these issues, and I have summarized the findings of one of our first reports in a previous blog post.


Plant ScienceEcologyEcology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

Phylogenetic tree shape and the structure of mutualistic networks

Publié in Journal of Ecology
Auteurs Scott Chamberlain, Diego P. Vázquez, Luisa Carvalheiro, Elizabeth Elle, Jana C. Vamosi, Ignasi Bartomeus

Summary Species community composition is known to alter the network of interactions between two trophic levels, potentially affecting its functioning (e.g. plant pollination success) and the stability of communities. Phylogenies vary in shape with regard to the rate of evolutionary change across a tree (influencing tree balance) and variation in the timing of branching events (affecting the distribution of node ages in trees), both of which may influence the structure of species interaction networks. Because related species are likely to share many of the traits that regulate interactions, the shape of phylogenetic trees may provide some insights into the distribution of traits within communities, and hence the likelihood of interaction among species. However, little attention has been paid to the potential effects of changes in phylogenetic diversity (PD) on interaction networks. Phylogenetic diversity is influenced by species diversity within a community, but also how distantly‐related the constituent species are from one another. Here, we evaluate the relationship between two important measures of phylogenetic diversity (tree shape and age of nodes) and the structure of plant–pollinator interaction networks using empirical and simulated data. Whereas the former allows us to evaluate patterns in real communities, the latter allows us to evaluate more systematically the relationship between tree shape and network structure under three different models of trait evolution. In empirical networks, less balanced plant phylogenies were associated with lower connectance in interaction networks indicating that communities with the descendants of recent radiations are more diverged and specialized in their partnerships. In simulations, tree balance and the distribution of nodes through time were included in the best models for modularity, and the second best models for connectance and nestedness. In models assuming random evolutionary change through time (i.e. Brownian motion), less balanced trees and trees with nodes near the tips exhibited greater modularity, whereas in models with an early burst of radiation followed by relative stasis (i.e. early‐burst models) more balanced trees and trees with nodes near roots had greater modularity. Synthesis. Overall, these results suggest that the shape of phylogenies can influence the structure of plant–pollinator interaction networks. However, the mismatch between simulations and empirical data indicate that no simple model of trait evolution mimics that observed in real communities.

Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles

Auteurs Data Citation Synthesis Group, Maryann Martone

Sound, reproducible scholarship rests upon a foundation of robust, accessible data. For this to be so in practice as well as theory, data must be accorded due importance in the practice of scholarship and in the enduring scholarly record. In other words, data should be considered legitimate, citable products of research. Data citation, like the citation of other evidence and sources, is good research practice and is part of the scholarly ecosystem supporting data reuse. In support of this assertion, and to encourage good practice, we offer a set of guiding principles for data within scholarly literature, another dataset, or any other research object.

persistent identifierpidorciddoidatacite

D2.1: Artefact, Contributor, And Organisation Relationship Data Schema

Auteurs Martin Fenner, Tom Demeranville, Rachael Kotarski, Todd Vision, Laura Rueda, Robin Dasler, Laure Haak, Patricia Cruse

This document identifies gaps in existing PID infrastructures, with a focus on ORCID and DataCite Metadata and links between contributors, organizations and artefacts. What prevents us from establishing interoperability and overcoming barriers between PID platforms for contributors, artefacts and organisations, and research solutions for federated attribution, claiming, publishing and direct data access? It goes on to propose strategies to overcome these gaps.