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In a guest post two weeks ago Elizabeth Hull explained that only 6% of Dryad datasets associated with a journal article are found in the reference list of that article, data she also presented at the IDCC conference in February (Mayo, Hull, & Vision, 2015). This number has increased from 4% to 8% between 2011-2014, but is still low.


bibliometricsdata publicationdata citation

The Location Of The Citation: Changing Practices In How Publications Cite Original Data In The Dryad Digital Repository

Auteurs Christine Mayo, Elizabeth A. Hull, Todd J. Vision

While stakeholders in scholarly communication generally agree on the importance of data citation, there is not consensus on where those citations should be placed within the publication – particularly when the publication is citing original data. Recently, CrossRef and the Digital Curation Center (DCC) have recommended as a best practice that original data citations appear in the works cited sections of the article. In some fields, such as the life sciences, this contrasts with the common practice of only listing data identifier(s) within the article body (intratextually). We inquired whether data citation practice has been changing in light of the guidance from CrossRef and the DCC. We examined data citation practices from 2011 to 2014 in a corpus of 1,125 articles associated with original data in the Dryad Digital Repository. The percentage of articles that include no reference to the original data has declined each year, from 31% in 2011 to 15% in 2014. The percentage of articles that include data identifiers intratextually has grown from 69% to 83%, while the percentage that cite data in the works cited section has grown from 5% to 8%. If the proportions continue to grow at the current rate of 19-20% annually, the proportion of articles with data citations in the works cited section will not exceed 90% until 2030.


Lagotto 5.0.1

Auteurs Martin Fenner, Joe Wass, Jen Song, Zach Dennis, Martyn Whitwell, Joe Osowski, Ruth Ivimey-Cook, Richard Cave, Jennifer Lin, John Chodacki

Lagotto 5.0.1 (April 12, 2016) Lagotto 5.0.1 was released on April 12, 2016. This release includes breaking changes, users of Lagotto 4.x should wait for Lagotto 5.2, which will provide an upgrade path for 4.x users. The following changes were made: Agents/Sources In Lagotto 5.0 the functionality of sources is broken into two different models: agents collect information from external APIs sources provide this information via the Lagotto API One consequence of this split of functionality is that agents can now be external to the Lagotto application. Another consequence is that agents no longer need to do API calls for every single work, but can import data in bulk. This dramatically improves performance. Deposits The new deposits API provides a common way to import data into Lagotto from external APIs. Import of data via rake task, as in previous Lagotto versions, is no longer supported in Lagotto 5.0. The deposits API is also used by the built-in Lagotto agents. The deposits API is generic enough to allow not only the import of works, but also publishers and contrbutors. Publishers Added automatic import of publisher information from Crossref and DataCite (#430). Contributors add contributor model (#429) add contributor role (#504) API removed obsolete v3 API (#469) remove depreciated v5 API (#496) start v7 API (#497) Other changes use berkshelf instead of librarian to manage cookbooks (#408) added packer support (#409) upload .env file before starting capistrano (#410) import DataCite DOIs that include relatedIdentifiers (#414) added agent to extract ORCID identifiers from DataCite metadata (#416) fetch DOI and ORCID metadata right before validation (#418) added namae gem for more consistent name parsing (#419) created datacite_github agent (#424) created crossref_orcid agent (#425) removed CouchDB code (#429) added jwt authentication (#436) use sidekiq with connection_pool (#446) added support for master-slave db configuration (#447) upgraded to sidekiq 4 (#449) removed persona authentication support (#457) add templates for crossref, allowing organization-specific headers, footers and CSS (#463) added httplog for http request logging (#464) use only one standard filename for .env file (#466) removed events by day (#468) use cookieStore to store sessions (#489) use iso8601 instead of date-parts for publication date (#490) normalize all DOI forms when processing deposit (#491) added separate sources for html views and pdf downloads (#495) redefined groups for sources (#500) set sidekiq log level via ENV variable (#520)


DataCite Metadata Schema for the Publication and Citation of Research Data v3.1

Auteurs DataCite Metadata Working Group, Joan Starr, Noémie Ammann, Jan Ashton, Amy Barton, Jannean Elliott, Marie-Christine Jacquemont-Perbal, Merja Karjalainen, Andreas Oskar Kempf, Lynne McAvoy, Elizabeth Newbold, Lars Holm Nielsen, Sebastian Peters, Madeleine De Smaele, Natalija Schleinstein, Wolfgang Zenk-Möltgen, Mohamed Yahia, Frauke Ziedorn

1 Introduction 1.1 The DataCite Consortium 1.2 DataCite Community Participation 1.3 The Metadata Schema 1.4 Version 3.1 Update 2 DataCite Metadata Properties 2.1 Overview 2.2 Citation 2.3 DataCite Properties 3 XML Example 4 XML Schema 5 Other DataCite Services Appendices Appendix 1: Controlled List Definitions Appendix 2: Earlier Version Update Notes