Publié in Front Matter

CSV in many ways is for data what Markdown is for text documents: a very simple format that is both human- and machine-readable, and that – despite a number of shortcomings - is widely used. Given the popularity of Markdown for writing blog posts, using CSV to publish blog posts with tabular data should be an obvious thing to do, and we have just published our first blog post using CSV data.



DataCite Metadata Schema for the Publication and Citation of Research Data v3.1

Auteurs DataCite Metadata Working Group, Joan Starr, Noémie Ammann, Jan Ashton, Amy Barton, Jannean Elliott, Marie-Christine Jacquemont-Perbal, Merja Karjalainen, Andreas Oskar Kempf, Lynne McAvoy, Elizabeth Newbold, Lars Holm Nielsen, Sebastian Peters, Madeleine De Smaele, Natalija Schleinstein, Wolfgang Zenk-Möltgen, Mohamed Yahia, Frauke Ziedorn

1 Introduction 1.1 The DataCite Consortium 1.2 DataCite Community Participation 1.3 The Metadata Schema 1.4 Version 3.1 Update 2 DataCite Metadata Properties 2.1 Overview 2.2 Citation 2.3 DataCite Properties 3 XML Example 4 XML Schema 5 Other DataCite Services Appendices Appendix 1: Controlled List Definitions Appendix 2: Earlier Version Update Notes


Thinking about CSV


This week some of us from DataCite are attending CSVconf in Berlin, and we are a conference sponsor and co-organizer. csv,conf is a non-profit community conference run by some folks who really love data and sharing knowledge. If you are as passionate...