Publié in Front Matter

In August GitHub added enhanced support for citation-file-format (CFF) to all GitHub repositories. As you can see in the chart below (kindly provided by Stephan Druskat and based on GitHub queries for CFF files), this has led to a significant increase of repositories using CFF files and thus exposing software metadata that go beyond what GitHub provides via other means.


rubymetadatasoftware citationresearch software



Ruby gem and command-line utility for conversion of DOI metadata from and to different metadata formats, including Fork of version 1.19.12 of the bolognese gem.

Computer and information sciences

A step forward for software citation: GitHub's enhanced software citation support


On August 19, GitHub announced software citation support in GitHub repositories. Citation information provided by users (using a CITATION.cff YAML file in the root directory of the default branch) is parsed and made available as bibtex file or formatted citation, currently supporting the APA citation style.

Computer and information sciences

Registering content with Crossref or DataCite


This blog started registering DOIs for its content with Crossref last week, and all 450+ blog posts so far were registered by Monday morning. This enables the easy import into reference managers (here using Zotero): Using Zotero or any other reference manager this blog post can now be easily cited: 1. Fenner M. The Front Matter blog now uses DOIs. Front Matter. Published online October 14, 2021.