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Blogs sind heute ein integraler Bestandteil der digitalen Wissenschaftskommunikation und unterstützen verschiedene Kommunikationsfunktionen in der Wissenschaft. Sie können als Tagebuch im Sinne von Open Science genutzt werden, um aktuelle Ergebnisse aus dem Laboralltag zu dokumentieren und zu kommunizieren.


Computer and information sciences

The Rogue Scholar archive reaches a milestone: 1000 searchable full-text science blog posts with DOIs


The Rogue Scholar science blog archive launched in April and I have been busy building out the core features of archiving the full-text of blog posts, establishing a full-text search, and registering DOIs and metadata for all posts. My announced goal was to complete this work by the end of the second quarter.

Computer and information sciences

Using Microsoft Word with git


One of the major challenges of writing a journal article is to keep track of versions - both the different versions you create as the document progresses, and to merge in the changes made by your collaborators. For most academics Microsoft Word is the default writing tool, and it is both very good and very bad in this.

Computer and information sciences

Author Identifiers: Interview with Geoffrey Bilder


Almost exactly two years ago, <strong> CrossRef </strong> invited a number of people to discuss unique identifiers for researchers ( <strong> CrossRef Author ID meeting </strong> ). One year ago Thomson Reuters launched <strong> ResearcherID </strong> ( <strong> Thomson Scientific launches ResearcherID to uniquely identify authors </strong> ). And two months ago Phil Bourne and Lynn Fink wrote about this topic in a <strong> PLoS Computational </strong>

Computer and information sciences

Just DOI it!


With the December 18 issue <strong> Nature </strong> started to support XMP markup in article PDFs (reported last week on the <strong> Nascent </strong> blog by <strong> Tony Hammond </strong> ) <sup> 1 </sup> . XMP stands for Extensible Metadata Platform and is a technology to embed metadata in files, including PDFs <sup> 2 </sup> . XMP was created by Adobe (with XMP support in PDF files since 2001), but is an open standard with backing by others, including

Computer and information sciences

Yet another look at blogging networks


The last few days we have seen a number of blog posts reflecting on the pros and cons of science blogging networks. Bora Zivkovic last week announced his departure from, and in his must-read post reflected on the history of science blogging (A Farewell to Scienceblogs: the Changing Science Blogging Ecosystem). Richard Grant on Saturday wrote down his thoughts On Nature Network.

Social sciences

Bund und Länder legen Leitlinien zu Open Access vor

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Im Rahmen der 16. Berliner Open-Access-Konferenz der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, die aktuell unter dem Titel “Together for Transformation” Berlin stattfindet, wurden gestern Leitlinien von Bund und Ländern zu Open Access vorgestellt. Diese Leitlinien wurden von der Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK) im März verabschiedet. Auf der Webseite der KMK findet sich eine knappe Pressemitteilung zu dem Papier.