Messages de Rogue Scholar

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Newsletters have been around forever, but their popularity has significantly increased in the past few years, also thanks to platforms such as Ghost, Medium, and Substack. Which of course also includes science newsletters.Failure of advertising as a revenue model The most important driver of this trend is probably the realization that advertising is a poor revenue model for content published on the web, including blogs.

Publié in FAIR Data Digest

Hi everyone, this edition starts with two announcements before it dives into the topic of software engineering skills for data science. This newsletter started as a weekly newsletter in which I shared topics around FAIR data and updates about my work. Selecting one or more topics each week is fun and helps myself to summarize and understand topics better.

Publié in neurosopher
Auteur Adrian Valente

Transformers have completely taken by storm the field of sequence modelling with deep networks, becoming the standard for text processing, video, even images. RNNs that were once a very active engineering field have slowly faded into the void. All of them? No, some RNNs are bravely fighting back to claim state-of-the-art results in sequence tasks. The most suprising part?

Publié in FAIR Data Digest

Hi everyone, welcome to today’s edition on the the European Day of Languages (Q496423). ::: {.subscription-widget-wrap attrs=“{"url":"","text":"Subscribe","language":"en"}” component-name=“SubscribeWidgetToDOM”} Thanks for reading FAIR Data Digest! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

Dans le cadre de notre projet d’édition multilingue et avec un financement du R Consortium nous avons travaillé sur le paquet R babeldown pour la traduction de contenu Markdown à l’aide de l’API DeepL.Dans cette note technique, nous allons montrer comment on peut utiliser babeldown pour traduire un article de blog Hugo ! Motivation Traduire un article de blog en Markdown depuis la console R est non seulement plus confortable (quand on a déjà

Como parte de nuestro proyecto editorial multilingüe y con financiación del Consorcio R hemos trabajado en el paquete R babeldown para traducir contenido basado en Markdown utilizando la API de DeepL.En esta nota técnica, mostraremos cómo puedes utilizar babeldown para traducir un artículo de blog que utiliza Hugo.

As part of our multilingual publishing project, and with funding from the R Consortium, we’ve worked on the R package babeldown for translating Markdown-based content using the DeepL API.In this tech note, we’ll show how you can use babeldown to translate a Hugo blog post!Motivation Translating a Markdown blog post from your R console is not only more comfortable (when you’ve already written said blog post in R), but also less frustrating.With

Publié in Front Matter

The Rogue Scholar science blog archive is open to science blogs that want to be enhanced by adding long-term archiving, DOI registration, and full-text search. The currently 56 participating blogs represent a broad spectrum of topics, people, and communities. Today I want to go into more detail into one particular Rogue Scholar use case: science blogs for grant-funded projects.