Messages de Rogue Scholar

Auteur The rOpenSci Team

Dear rOpenSci friends, it’s time for our monthly news roundup! You can read this post on our blog.Now let’s dive into the activity at and around rOpenSci!rOpenSci HQ Meeting the stars of the R-universe: PEcAn, an Open Source Project to Take Care of the Planet Knowing our community’s stories helps us to learn about the people behind our software, brings us closer and offers us new opportunities.

We first introduced our Coworking andOffice Hour sessions in August 2021 after a successful pilot of several’label-athon’s in the April and May prior. We’ve had a successful couple of years since then and the coworking sessionshave evolved into themed events with different community hosts and me asa facilitator. It’s been a lovely change and we thought it was time to share these updates with the rOpenSci community! 🎉 What are these sessions?

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This is a brief review of macOS Mastodon clients that I’ve tried. It is unashamedly incomplete/non-exhaustive, but since the ones I found online from computing magazines literally look at one app, I am ahead of the pack here! tl;dr I prefer Ivory on macOS and prior to that, Mastonaut was OK. For clarity: I have not been asked or received payment to promote any software. Why use an app on desktop/laptop?

Publié in iPhylo

How to cite: Page, R. (2023). A taxonomic search engine. Tony Rees commented on my recent post Ten years and a million links. I’ve responded to some of his comments, but I think the bigger question deserves more space, hence this blog post. Tony’s comment {#tony’s-comment} My response I think there are several ways to approach this.

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We have an analysis routine for proteomics data written for IgorPro. One output is a volcano plot . These plots show the fold change in one sample compared to another and plot that against a p-value to estimate how reproducible any changes observed are. This post is not about that software, but on the topic of how we can recreate this plot in R . What steps need to be considered?

Publié in Front Matter

Two weeks ago I started registering DOIs for blog posts included in the Rogue Scholar blog archive. It is an automated process but involves a lot of manual checks. So far I have registered 231 blog posts from 20 different science blogs, and I hope to finish the DOI registrations by the end of the month.

Publié in Stories by Adam Day on Medium
Auteur Adam Day

The Papermill Alarm draws a line between papers which have the characteristics of papermill-products and those that don’t. Given data like that shown below, where red dots represent papermill-products and green dots represent normal papers, where should we draw that line?

How do you measure the impact of a champions program? This was the central question of a working session at CZI’s Accelerating Open Science in Latin America workshop, convened by rOpenSci’s Community Manager Yani Bellini Saibene and attended by CSCCE’s Founder and Director, Lou Woodley. Measuring the impact of any kind of community program presents a series of challenges: What is the impact that you’re hoping your program will have?