Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Auteur Jeroen Ooms

Finding the right tool for the job The hardest part about effectively using R is finding the best packages for the problem you are trying to solve. I think this is even more important than being fluent in the language itself, which you will pick up along the way as you start using R more frequently. However, building your code on reliable foundations is essential for good results, and difficult to fix later on in a project.

¡El programa de campeones arrancó con todo este 2023! Nos complace informar sobre los dos primeros meses de nuestro primer programa de campeones y campeonas. En septiembre de 2022 hicimos el lanzamiento del programa, anunciando el llamado a aplicar a personas que quisieran participar. Recibimos un total de 102 solicitudes de 31 países diferentes.

The Champions Program got off to a great start in 2023! We’re happy to report on the first couple of months in our first run of the rOpenSci Champions Program. In September 2022, we launched the program, advertising for both mentors and mentees to apply. We received a total of 102 applications from 31 different countries. Seventy-four applications were for champions and twenty eight for mentors.

Publié in OA.Works Blog
Auteur OA.Works

We’re thrilled to share that Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) is investing in new OA.Report features and increasing it’s usage of the tool after a successful 6-month pilot. 💡 About OA.Report OA.Report is an open-source tool that identifies research outputs organizations have supported, analyzes their openness (including OA policy compliance), and then streamlines taking action to make results more open.

Publié in Le blog Zotero francophone
Auteur Collectif

L’année 2022 a été riche en actualités Zotero, avec notamment la publication de Zotero v6. Notre dernier bulletin de veille date pourtant de décembre 2021… Avec le présent bulletin, nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter l’index des bulletins de veille, qui reprend par grandes rubriques tous les contenus déjà publiés dans les bulletins.

Publié in Front Matter

Talbot is a Python package I started working on at the end of 2022 and plan to release to the Python Package Index (PyPi) in March. Talbot converts scholarly metadata in various formats, including Crossref, DataCite,, BibTeX, RIS, and formatted citations – the complete list of supported formats is here. Talbot is a Python version of the Bolognese Ruby gem that I worked on with my DataCite colleagues starting in 2018.