Messages de Rogue Scholar

Auteurs Yanina Bellini Saibene, Alejandra Bellini, Lucio Casalla, Steffi LaZerte

Esta es la primera entrega de nuestra serie de entrevistas “Conociendo a las estrellas del universo R” . Tenemos como objetivo introducir los grupos de trabajo y las personas que están detrás del desarrollo del software y paquetes que muchos utilizamos y que se encuentran disponibles en R-Universe . Queremos resaltar y conocer diferentes proyectos alrededor del mundo, el trabajo que hacen, sus procesos y usuarios.

Publié in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Auteurs Yanina Bellini Saibene, Alejandra Bellini, Lucio Casalla, Steffi LaZerte

This is the first post of our interview series “Meeting the stars of the R-universe” . We aim to introduce the working groups and people behind the development of software and packages many of us use and which are available through the R-Universe . We want to highlight and explore different teams and projects around the world, the work they do, their processes and users.

Publié in quantixed

There’s plenty of guides to getting going on Mastodon, aimed at people leaving Twitter. I just wanted to post a couple of technical points about making the switch that might be of interest to people who maintain webpages with Twitter content (feeds, embeds). Mastodon status updates (feed/timeline) Twitter provided a widget that meant that an account’s timeline could be embedded on a website.

Publié in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Auteur The rOpenSci Team

Dear rOpenSci friends, it’s time for our monthly news roundup! You can read this post on our blog.Now let’s dive into the activity at and around rOpenSci!rOpenSci HQ Multilingual Publishing Open Source and Open Science are global movements, but most of their material and resources are published in English, meaning non-English speakers face a significant barrier to being part of these movements.

Publié in re3data COREF Project Blog
Auteur re3data Team

The objective of the workshop was to approach the pervasive, yet elusive topic of data quality management from several angles. To ensure a common frame of reference for the workshop, contributions were guided by the Framework for Quality Assurance of Data Publications at Research Data Repositories that was developed as part of a PhD project.

Twitter es una de las plataformas y redes sociales preferidas por la comunidad de R y por las comunidades de datos, ciencia abierta e investigación. Desde el comienzo de rOpenSci hemos utilizado Twitter para conectarnos con nuestra comunidad y otras comunidades similares, para compartir lo que hacemos y para formar parte de las conversaciones en torno a los temas importantes para nuestra misión.

Twitter is one of the preferred social media platforms and networks for the R community and for the data, open science and research communities. Since the beginning of rOpenSci we have used Twitter to connect with our community and other parallel communities, to share what we do, and to be part of conversations around the topics important to our mission.

Publié in Le blog Zotero francophone
Auteur Collectif

Entreprendre une revue de littérature requiert une réflexion préalable concernant les méthodes et les outils pour mener à bien son processus, de la recherche bibliographique à la synthèse des résultats. Dans ce billet, nous souhaitons aborder l’utilité de Zotero dans une telle démarche.

Publié in OA.Works Blog
Auteur OA.Works

We’re excited to say OA.Works has received a one-year grant of 100k from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) to continue developing OA.Report. This investment builds on our partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to enable more organizations to use OA.Report to discover, analyze, and unlock papers covered by OA policies or supported by their funding and staff.