Messages de Rogue Scholar

Auteur Pachá (aka Mauricio Vargas Sepúlveda)

Resumen Este artículo trata sobre los usos sorprendentes que he observado y las preguntasque recibo sobre el paquete R censo2017, una herramienta paraacceder a los datos del censo chileno de 2017, que he recibido desde que fue revisado por paresa través de rOpenSci hace un año.

Publié in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Auteur Pachá (aka Mauricio Vargas Sepúlveda)

Summary This post is about the surprising uses I’ve noticed and the questionsabout the censo2017 R package, a tool foraccessing the Chilean census 2017 data, I’ve gotten since it was peer-reviewedthrough rOpenSci one year ago.

Publié in Stories by Adam Day on Medium
Auteur Adam Day

Also… what is an API? The Papermill Alarm API, is a service which you can send some article metadata to and which will return an alert telling you if the paper looks like past papermill-products. Anyone can use it, but it definitely helps to have the support of an IT or data professional.

The rOpenSci suite of packages is mainly composed of packages contributed by the community through peer-review, but also includes some packages maintained by staff.Over time, the commitments and availability of the original developers of a package can change. This leads to some maintainers stepping down from their maintainer role, or other maintainers looking to lower their workload through more teamwork and therefore looking for co-maintainers.

Publié in lab.sub - Articles

The colleagues from the other side of the library also started blogging, but more of the book- and collection related library topics. For hosting the blog, the platform was chosen. mainly focuses on academic content. Check it out at or subscribe to the RSS Feed.

Publié in lab.sub - Articles

I tried to improve the downlad-time and size of the assets used in this blog. This is mainly about optimizing the images for web. Not only that all JavaScript from this site has been removed previously, the images were a huge factor in the traffic of this page.. The images used in this blog are of different types. We use PNG, JPEG and SVG. Some of these files are huge and not optimized for web use.

Publié in Daniel S. Katz's blog

While at the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative’s Open Science 2022 Annual Meeting a couple of weeks ago, I was struck by a comment from Demetris Cheatham about how she hadn’t known about the scientific open-source community until she was introduced to it fairly recently, even though she has a huge amount of experience with the larger open-source community. This was especially confounding when she shared that she realized upon

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By 30th September 2022, I had clocked up a total of over 2000 km of running in 2022. This milestone was a good opportunity to look at how I got to this point. The code is shown below. First, we can make a histogram to look at the distance of runs. From this type of plot it’s clear that my runs this year consist of a lot of 4-5 km runs and then a chunk of 21 km plus.