Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Underworld Geodynamics Community
Auteurs John Mansour, Julian Giordani, Romain Beucher, Louis Moresi

The Underworld 2.9 release is available from Github, as a docker container and via zenodo (doi:10.5281/zenodo.3964957) it is also available through pip install for the first time (see below). Underworld paper in the Journal of Open Source Software The paper of record for underworld 2 has been published. It does tie to the Underworld 2.9 release but is sufficiently broad to cite for all 2.x releases.

Publié in kumulonimbus

Probablemente sientes que estamos inundados con información sobre la evolución de la pandemia de COVID-19. Sin embargo, nada mejor que manejar los datos uno mismo y analizarlos desde distintos puntos de vista. Creo que siempre hay alguien que observará algo en los datos que se nos ha escapado a millones de observadores y creo que cualquier aporte en esta emergencia mundial es valioso.

When I gave the talk about vertebral orientation for the 1st Palaeo Virtual Congress at the end of 2018, I had to prepare it as a video — so I saved it on YouTube so it would outlive the conference: Having figured out the practicalities of doing this, it made sense to similarly make a permanent record of my SVPCA 2019 talk, The Past, Present and Future of Jensen’s “Big Three” sauropods : I promised back then that I would put

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Publié in Underworld Geodynamics Community
Auteur John Mansour

A new paper by John Mansour and others has just been published in the Journal of Open Source Software. Mansour, J., Giordani, J., Moresi, L., Beucher, R., Kaluza, O.,  Velic,  M., Farrington, R., Quenette, S., Beall, A., 2020, Underworld2:  Python  Geodynamics Modelling for Desktop, HPC and Cloud, Journal of Open

Publié in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

The Researcher to Reader (R2R) conference at the start of this week featured a debate on the proposition “The venue of its publication tells us nothing useful about the quality of a paper”. I’ve already posted Toby Green’s opening statement for the proposition and Pippa Smart’s opening statement against it. Now here is my (shorter) response in favour of the motion, which is supposed to be a response specifically to Pippa’s opening sttement

Publié in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

Yesterday I told you all about the Researcher to Reader (R2R) conference and its debate on the proposition “The venue of its publication tells us nothing useful about the quality of a paper”. I posted the opening statement for the proposition, which was co-written by Toby Green and me. Now here is the opening statement against the proposition, presented by Pippa Smart of Learned Publishing , having been co-written by