Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Europe PMC News Blog
Auteur Europe PMC Team

[Since our blog post last summer on the inclusion of Wikipedia as an external links provider, we have been lucky to host an intern, Tom Arrow,  who has spent the last few months investigating possible further connections between Wikimedia projects and Europe PMC.

Publié in Europe PMC News Blog
Auteur Europe PMC Team

We are excited to announce the launch of the Europe PMC author profile pages! Based on your ORCID record, they provide a graphical overview of your publications in Europe PMC and your citation rate over time. With over 2.2 million articles in Europe PMC linked to about 172,000 unique ORCIDs, we expect this feature to be of wide interest to publishing researchers, journals, funders, and others interested in scientific credit.

Publié in Europe PMC News Blog
Auteur Europe PMC Team

You may notice that the Europe PMC website looks a little different. Perhaps a little clearer, neater, bolder? More importantly, we also hope that it is easier to use and to find key information about Europe PMC. Yes: we have given the Europe PMC website a makeover to celebrate the New Year! In particular, we have redesigned the homepage and navigation, and the website is now responsive for use on mobile devices.

Publié in Europe PMC News Blog
Auteur Europe PMC Team

Europe PMC Bookshelf provides free online access to books and documents in life sciences, healthcare and medical humanities. It includes full text reports from government agencies, like the UK’s National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the US’s Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and content allowed by participating publishers.

Publié in Europe PMC News Blog
Auteur Europe PMC Team

Title quote from ‘Sonnets from the Portuguese’, Sonnet 43, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Our relationship with ORCID personal identifiers blooms in a number of ways: ORCID Wizard Europe PMC was an early adopter of ORCIDs allowing researchers the ability to link articles to an ORCID using our easy-to-use article claiming Wizard.

Publié in Europe PMC News Blog
Auteur Europe PMC Team

“Education doesn’t make you happy. And what is freedom? We don’t become happy just because we are free, if we are. Or because we have been educated, if we have. But because education may be the means by which we realize we are happy. It opens our eyes, our ears. Tells use where delights are lurking. Convinces us that there is only one freedom of any importance whatsoever: that of the mind.

Publié in Europe PMC News Blog
Auteur Europe PMC Team

We’re delighted that 2 new funders have joined Europe PMC, bringing the total to 28! The new funders are: Alzheimer’s Society is a membership organisation, which works to improve the quality of life of people affected by dementia in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.