Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in The Ideophone
Auteur Mark Dingemanse

Sketches, visualizations and other forms of externalizing cognition play a prominent role in the work of just about any scientist. It’s why we love using blackboards, whiteboards, notebooks and scraps of paper. Many folks who had the privilege of working the late Pieter Muysken fondly remember his habit of grabbing any old piece of paper that came to hand, scribbling while talking, then handing it over to you.

Publié in Lucidarios

Habiendo dedicado la anterior entrada a las causas del error accidental durante la copia de los manuscritos, en esta ofrezco la primera parte de una tipología de los errores que encontré al transcribir el testimonio C del Lucidario , partiendo –aunque ampliando– los tipos propuestos por Blecua en su Manual de crítica textual . Gracias a que el manuscrito cuenta con un largo colofón, sabemos que los errores que se discutirán aquí

Publié in Martin Paul Eve

So, after three years of shielding, I got Covid. I contracted it at hospital (or on my way there). How do I know? Because I don’t go anywhere else. I thought, though, that it might be useful to document my experience of getting antiviral treatments for Covid as an extremely clinically vulnerable individual. I developed a sore throat on Saturday evening (17th December 2022) but tested negative.

Publié in Lucidarios

Como explica Alberto Blecua, en su ya clásico Manual de crítica textual , el error de copia es la razón de ser de la crítica textual (18). Por error se entiende el acto de copiar algo diferente a lo que aparece en un modelo (antígrafo) del que se copia –aunque, como explicaré en una próxima entrada dedicada al error, no copiar lo mismo puede no ser un error–. Tanto Balduino (53) como Blecua (19), entre muchos otros, proponen una serie de

Publié in Martin Paul Eve

As I posted a while ago, from January 2023 I will be working at Crossref while retaining my university Professorship. I wanted, here, to outline a few of the projects that I hope to work on once I get started there. I should say upfront: I am afraid there is no time estimate on these and we can’t guarantee to prioritise any particular project. But if there is one that stands out to you, do let me know, as this serves as a useful community gauge.

Publié in Technology and language

Recently I’ve written two posts about bright resonance in response to Lake Bell’s audiobook chapter, “Sexy Baby Voice.” Bell describes “sexy baby voice” as having three characteristic features: “high pitch”, “vocal fry” and “slurring.” My first post supported Byron Ahn’s analysis that found that Bell’s “sexy baby voice” samples didn’t have reliably higher pitch than the non-“sexy baby voice” samples, and suggested that she’s probably talking

Publié in Lucidarios

En la entrada anterior sobre Transkribus describí el proceso para subir y preparar un documento para la transcripción automatizada. Continuamos aquí donde nos habíamos quedado. Al final de la entrada anterior teníamos un documento listo para ser transcrito, con las regiones de texto y líneas establecidas correctamente.

Publié in Martin Paul Eve

Like many years, 2022 was a year of health problems for me. The entire year has been overshadowed by the episode of kidney failure that I suffered as a result of BK virus associated nephropathy. It is fair to say that I have been quite seriously unwell. I also spent a long period of this year, in my spare time, campaigning for protection of the immunocompromised with the monoclonal antibody therapy, Evusheld.