Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in The Ideophone
Auteur Mark Dingemanse

This is a the second part in a two part series of peer commentary on a recent preprint. The first part is here. I ended that post by noting I wasn’t sure all preprint authors were aware of the public nature of the preprint. I am now assured they are, and have heard from the senior author that they are working on a revised version.

Publié in The Ideophone
Auteur Mark Dingemanse

One of the benefits of today’s preprint culture is that it is possible to provide constructive critique of pending work before it is out, thereby enabling a rapid cycle of revision before things are committed to print. I have myself benefited from comments on preprints, and have acknowledged such public pre-publication reviews in several of my papers. The below remarks are shared in that spirit.

Publié in Lucidarios

Siguiendo con la última entrada, quiero repasar brevemente la historia de los testimonios del Lucidario . A los siete que mencioné entonces habría que añadir dos nuevos. El primero, descubierto en la Bibliothèque François Villon de Rouen en 2021 y el segundo, hace dos meses en la Biblioteca de la Fundación Bartolomé March de Palma. Resumiendo, tenemos: A, manuscrito base de las ediciones de Kinkade y Sacchi, datado en 1455;

Publié in Martin Paul Eve

In recent days, several signatories to the Principles on Open Scholarly Infrastructure have taken to performing self-audits of their compliance with the principles. Of course, holding oneself to account in this way is a welcome development. Without some form of self-appraisal it is not possible to know how close one is to fulfilling the goals of POSI.

Publié in Martin Paul Eve

It is sometimes easy, when discussing openness, to get bogged down in the technical weeds. People often want detail and specifics: what open license should I use? Precisely how much revenue do I need to keep in reserve safely to wind-down an organization? When does advocacy become lobbying?

Publié in Martin Paul Eve

As noted previously, I am vacating my domain. To do so has been a painful process that involves changing every account that uses to a new email address. This is painful because it turned out to be about 350 accounts. Different sites categorise the email differently.

Publié in Martin Paul Eve

I have read, with some dismay, the draft of Ithaka S+R’s most recent report. I offer here some critical remarks that I hope will allow for revision of the work, which I believe offers an insular, digital-nationalist, exclusionary vision for the future of scholarly communications. The views herein are my personal take, not those of any organization for which I work.

Publié in Lucidarios

En esta y las próximas entradas me dedicaré a repasar el proceso de edición del Lucidario –lo que se ha hecho hasta ahora, en los ocho meses de proyecto desde que comencé este blog, y lo que falta hacer–. El Lucidario , escrito entre 1292 y 1295, es decir, tras la toma de Tarifa y antes de la muerte de Sancho IV, es una obra malentendida.