Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Math ∩ Programming
Auteur Jeremy Kun

The Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings of all time. And there has always been a discussion around her enigmatic smile. He used a trademark Renaissance technique called sfumato, which involves many thin layers of glaze mixed with subtle pigments. The striking result is that when you look directly at Mona Lisa’s smile, it seems to disappear.

Publié in Math ∩ Programming
Auteur Jeremy Kun

Problem: Two players take turns moving a rook on an 8×8 chessboard. The rook is only allowed to move south or west (but not both in a single turn), and may move any number of squares in the chosen direction on a turn. The loser is the player who first cannot move the rook. What is the optimal play for any starting position? rook-board Solution: Take advantage of the symmetry of the board.

Publié in Math ∩ Programming
Auteur Jeremy Kun

Greedy algorithms are by far one of the easiest and most well-understood algorithmic techniques. There is a wealth of variations, but at its core the greedy algorithm optimizes something using the natural rule, “pick what looks best” at any step. So a greedy routing algorithm would say to a routing problem: “You want to visit all these locations with minimum travel time? Let’s start by going to the closest one.

Publié in Math ∩ Programming
Auteur Jeremy Kun

I’m presenting a paper later this week at the Matheamtical Foundations of Computer Science 2014 in Budapest, Hungary. This conference is an interesting mix of logic and algorithms that aims to bring together researchers from these areas to discuss their work. And right away the first session on the first day focused on an area I know is important but have little experience with: fixed parameter complexity.

Publié in Math ∩ Programming
Auteur Jeremy Kun

A while back I announced a preprint of a paper on coloring graphs with certain resilience properties. I’m pleased to announce that it’s been accepted to the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2014, which is being held in Budapest this year. Since we first published the preprint we’ve actually proved some additional results about resilience, and so I’ll expand some of the details here.

Publié in Math ∩ Programming
Auteur Jeremy Kun

Greedy algorithms are among the simplest and most intuitive algorithms known to humans. Their name essentially gives their description: do the thing that looks best right now, and repeat until nothing looks good anymore or you’re forced to stop. Some of the best situations in computer science are also when greedy algorithms are optimal or near-optimal. There is a beautiful theory of this situation, known as the theory of matroids.

Publié in Math ∩ Programming
Auteur Jeremy Kun

Here’s a simple puzzle with a neat story. A rich old woman is drafting her will and wants to distribute her expansive estate equally amongst her five children. But her children are very greedy, and the woman knows that if he leaves her will unprotected her children will resort to nefarious measures to try to get more than their fair share.

Publié in Math ∩ Programming
Auteur Jeremy Kun

Optimization is by far one of the richest ways to apply computer science and mathematics to the real world. Everybody is looking to optimize something: companies want to maximize profits, factories want to maximize efficiency, investors want to minimize risk, the list just goes on and on. The mathematical tools for optimization are also some of the richest mathematical techniques.