Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Donny Winston

Eliot is a Python logging system that outputs a stream of JSON objects detailing causal chains of actions. Scientific computing is identified in its documentation as an ideal use case for this style of logging, in part because feedback cycles can be slow for such long-running processes where interactive step-debugging is inconvenient. It seems that such logs would also be appropriate for event sourcing.

Publié in Living Pixel
Auteur Casey Ydenberg

When my kids were babies, sometimes it felt like a one-hour trip to the store required more planning than an expedition to Antarctica. We had a diaper bag we packed with all the things we thought we might need, but it was the way it was packed that mattered. Diapers and wet bags and wipes have to be accessible so they need to go at the top. So does a bottle of milk and a spit rag.

Publié in Donny Winston

A headless content management system (CMS) is one that is API-first, decoupled from any particular presentation layer on the front-end. Such a service can support multiple channels for working with and presenting content, given the type of user and their context. Strapi is one example of an open-source headless CMS.

Publié in Donny Winston

I was asked about a positioning statement for my business, to describe who I work with and what outcome I help them with: something like “Helping X with Y”. I gave this: The response I got was “Great start. What type of researchers would be an ideal fit?” I had thought I had specialized my audience sufficiently: I’m not helping “people”, I’m helping researchers.

Publié in Donny Winston

The four components of FAIR can be mapped to successive stages of reusability: possible, plausible, probable, and perishable. The foundational principles of FAIR are Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability. 1 Ultimately, FAIR is all about reuse, and it’s helpful for me to think of the principles as successive stages of increasing the chance that successful reuse can happen.