Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Sci:Debug

While Finland entered into a nationwide consortium with the publishing house Elsevier, the neighbouring country Sweden did not take this step. After twenty years of business relationships with Elsevier, the Bibsam Consortium decided not to renew the agreement with the scientific publisher.  Bibsam wants to support the Swedish government’s requirement to publish all scientific output of the country in Open Access by 2026 – without embargoes.

Publié in Science in the Open
Auteur Cameron Neylon

This post was prompted by Donna Lanclos tweeting a link to a talk by Eamon Tewell: His talk, on the problems of deficit models chimed with me on issues of tacit knowledge. I’m still noodling around an underpinning theory of knowledge for my work (blog post currently has spent nearly 12 months in the draft folder). The core to the model is that (general? non-local?) knowledge is made when local knowledge is translated across group boundaries.

Publié in Sci:Debug

Clarivate Analytics, owner of the database Web of Science and services as publons, acquired Kopernio. Kopernio facilitates the search for Open Access documents. For pay-walled articles to which you have no access, Kopernio is looking for an alternative Open Access version. Unlike unpaywall, a similiar tool, using Kopernio requires registration.

Algorithm ” is a word that has become more and more meaningless in our day and age – given how it is thrown around everywhere. If you bring it up with people who didn’t undergo some form of tech initiation – be that formal education or self-learning - it’s easy for them to conjure a picture like the one above: A colourful mess of things, too complex to understand if you don’t have some advanced degree in computer science.

Publié in LIBREAS.Library Ideas

Der LIBREAS-Verein hat abgestimmt: Nach einem positiven Mitgliedervotum hat der Vorstand des LIBREAS-Vereins den Jussieu Call for Open Science and Bibliodiversity unterzeichnet. Der LIBREAS-Verein unterstützt damit Open Access und Open Science im Sinne der Vereinsziele.

Publié in LIBREAS.Library Ideas
Auteur Karsten Schuldt

Karsten Schuldt Zu: Joshua Hammer (2016). The Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu: and their race to save the world’s most precious manuscripts . New York, London, Toronto, Syndey, New Delhi: Simon & Schuster 2016   Der Titel „ The Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu “ empfiehlt dieses Buch einer Besprechung hier im Blog.

Publié in LIBREAS.Library Ideas
Auteur Karsten Schuldt

Karsten Schuldt Zu: Dowd, Ryan J. (2018). The Librarian’s Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone . Chicago: ALA Editions, 2018   Leider nicht gut ist das hier kurz zu besprochende Buch. Leider, da es eigentlich eines inhaltlich guten Buches zum Thema bedürfte, eines umfangreichen und konkreten. Dieses ist es nicht, auch wenn es dies im Titel behauptet.