Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Bastian Greshake Tzovaras

Being more of a dog-person (or to stay in OkCupid lingo likes dogs, has cats ) I was sad when I saw that the CatterPlots made their rounds on Twitter again this week, as there’s still no dog-centric alternative if you’re an R -faring data visualizer. In order to dry my tears I went over to dog_rates for some binge dog-watching. And then I wondered, aren’t these puppers all getting cuter and cuter?

Publié in LIBREAS.Library Ideas
Auteur Ben Kaden

Eine Notiz von Ben Kaden (@bkaden) I Derzeit sammelt sich Samstag für Samstag auf dem immergrauen Vorplatz der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek in Frankfurt am Main eine Schar Demonstranten, die sich für einen Erhalt der Möglichkeit eines Zugangs zum gedruckten Medium im Lesesaal der Bibliothek einsetzen.

Publié in Science in the Open
Auteur Cameron Neylon

This is the first draft of the second chapter of a book that I’m starting to work on. The initial draft of the first chapter is also posted here. My recent post on evolution was a first pass at exploring some of the ideas needed for later chapters. It’s 5,476 words incidentally so don’t say I didn’t warn you. I don’t think I would like to meet myself as a twenty year old.

Publié in Science in the Open
Auteur Cameron Neylon

It’s been a big weekend for poorly designed blacklists. But prior to this another blacklist was also a significant discussion. Beall’s list of so-called “Predatory” journals and publishers vanished from the web around a week ago. There is still not explanation for why, but the most obvious candidate is that legal action, threatened or real, was the cause of it being removed.

Publié in LIBREAS.Library Ideas
Auteur Ben Kaden

Ein Sonntagstext von Ben Kaden (@bkaden) I Im März 1989 schrieb jemand mit dem schönen nordischen Namen Olaf mutmaßlich im Uckermärkischen Templin – es findet sich die Abkürzung Tpl neben dem Datum – die erste Zeile eines der bekanntesten Lieder der DDR-Popmusik in einem schmalen Band aus der Kleinen Edition des Mitteldeutschen Verlags.

Publié in Sci:Debug

Ende 2016 berichtete ich in Telepolis über die geplatzten Verhandlungen des Projekts DEAL mit dem Wissenschaftsverlag Elsevier, deren Ziel es war – unter für Bibliotheken akzeptablen finanziellen Bedingungen – ein nationales Konsortium zum Bezug von Closed-Access-Zeitschriften des Verlages inklusive Open-Access-Optionen zu verhandeln. Auch in Finnland stand eine landesweite Einigung mit Elsevier vor dem Scheitern.

Publié in Science in the Open
Auteur Cameron Neylon

There’s an article doing the rounds today about public understanding and rejection of experts and expertise. It was discussed in an article in the THES late last year (which ironically I haven’t read). I recommend reading the original article by Scharrer and co-workers, not least because the article itself is about how reading lay summaries can lead to a discounting of expertise.

Publié in Science in the Open
Auteur Cameron Neylon

*This post is aiming to get down some thoughts around how the superset of evolutionary models can be framed. It’s almost certainly work that has been done somewhere before but I’m struggling to find it so it seemed useful to lay out what I’m looking for. * Evolutionary models are extraordinarily powerful, in part because they are extremely flexible.