Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Sci:Debug

Just as 2015 and 2014 I produced an Open Access Heatmap using data provided by the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). I calculated the number of Open Access Journals per country as listed by the DOAJ (this quite trivial data can be downloaded as a CSV file here, it was retrieved from the DOAJ yesterday). Using this CSV file with the online service CartoDB I produced the following heatmap visualizing the number of Open Access Journals per

Publié in Science in the Open
Auteur Cameron Neylon

*As part of the broader Open Science agenda of the European Commission an expert group on “altmetrics” has been formed. This group has a remit to consider how indicators of research performance can be used effectively to enhance the strategic goals of the commission and the risks and opportunities that new forms of data pose to the research enterprise.

Publié in Bastian Greshake Tzovaras

Last week the The Royal Society issued a joint statement about the importance of the international nature of research along with national academies across the UK and Europe. At the same time they started the hashtag #ScienceIsGlobal on Twitter , where individuals reported what nationalities are collaborating in their labs. I, and many others, reported their lab’s composition using the emoji flags.

Publié in Science in the Open
Auteur Cameron Neylon

This is a version of the paper I’ve had accepted for SciDataCon in a session on the sustainability of Research Data Infrastructures. It was also the basis for the session that I helped lead with Simon Coles at the Jisc-CNI meeting in mid-July in Oxford. The original version was quite short and skips over some of the background material and context.

Publié in Science in the Open
Auteur Cameron Neylon

The Honourable Ben Howlett MP Member for Bath House of Commons, United Kingdom Dear Ben, I need to come clean at the beginning of this letter. I did not vote for you in the general election. I am unlikely to vote for you or any member of your party in the future. We come from different political, and I would imagine cultural backgrounds. Nonetheless we were on the same side of the debate for the referendum.

Publié in Science in the Open
Auteur Cameron Neylon

I’ve been conflicted about posting this. I had planned to write something along these lines for several weeks but the murder of Jo Cox threw that sideways. The way I write tends to involve pushing words around in my head for a week or so, and then writing it all out. Thus most of this existed in some form prior to her murder but it was not written down.

Publié in Science in the Open
Auteur Cameron Neylon

Just to declare various conflicts of interest: I regard Gregg Gordon, CEO of SSRN as a friend and have always been impressed at what he has achieved at SSRN. From the perspective of what is best for the services SSRN can offer to researchers, selling to Elsevier was a smart opportunity and probably the best of the options available given the need for investment. My concerns are at the ecosystem level.

Publié in LIBREAS.Library Ideas
Auteur Ben Kaden

Eine Notiz zu: Birgit Weyhe: Madgermanes . Berlin: avant-verlag, 2016 (Informationen zur Publikation beim Verlag) von Ben Kaden (@bkaden) Das die in diesem Blog (und im LIBREAS.Tumblr) gepflegte Rubrik “Die Bibliothek in der Literatur” ihre Beispiele naturgemäß nur willkürlich zusammenwürfelt werden und zwar nach den Kriterien a) des zufälligen Kontaktes und b) der Muße, etwas aus diesem zu machen, sollte nicht entschuldigen,

Publié in Science in the Open
Auteur Cameron Neylon

This is necessarily speculative and I can’t claim to have bottomed out all the potential issues with this framing. It therefore stands as one of the “thinking in progress” posts I promised earlier in the year. Nonetheless it does seem like an interesting framing to pursue an understanding of scholarly communications through. The idea of “the market” in scholarly communications has rubbed me up the wrong way for a long time.