Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Critical Metascience
Auteur Tom Hostler

An Intellectual Vocation In his book “The Soul of a University” (2018), Chris Brink describes the story of G.H. Hardy, a Cambridge Mathematician whose principled stance on his academic research was that it had no practical use whatsoever: “No discovery of mine” Hardy proudly wrote, “has made, or is likely to make, directly or indirectly, for good or ill, the least difference to the amenity of the world”

Publié in Elephant in the Lab
Auteur Elias Koch

Academic research enjoys a high level of trust among the society in Germany, not least because of its autonomy that is granted by the constitution. At the same time, the public expects research to leave its “ivory tower” and take on a more active role in addressing complex societal challenges such as the Covid-19 pandemic or climate change.

Publié in Elephant in the Lab
Auteur Elias Koch

The question of how researchers engage in public communication or political decision-making processes has gained unprecedented attention during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many scientists experienced hostile attitudes when going public. Threats and science hostility are no new phenomena, but gain more importance as science is increasingly embedded in public debates.

Auteur ScholCommLab

This blog post is the last of a four part series based on the keynote presentation by Stefanie Haustein at the Swiss Year of Scientometrics lecture and workshop series at ETH Zurich on June 7, 2023. Responsible use of metrics As a last topic, I want to address a very important area that I think for a very long time has been ignored by the scientometric community—namely the use of the metrics that it

Publié in Gemeinsamer Blog der DINI AGs

Vor gut neun Jahren hatte die DINI AG FIS die Idee einen Blog zu starten, um über Themen rund die Arbeit der AG zu berichten. Schnell hatte sich ein kleines Team gefunden und die ersten Beiträge wurden verfasst. Die Technik konnte schnell und unkompliziert bei der TIB beheimatet werden, die die Infrastruktur über WordPress bereitstellte. Nach ein paar Anpassungen am Design wurde dann losgelegt.

Publié in Leiden Madtrics
Auteurs Ismael Rafols, Madhan Muthu, Josep-Manuel Rodríguez-Gairín, Marta Somoza-Fernández, Cristóbal Urbano

How agriculture benefits from research through extension and engagement Different sectors benefit from science in different ways. In the case of agriculture, innovations based on science often originate from providers of farmers, for example in the form of seeds or machinery. However, the diffusion or uptake of innovations is difficult, in particular for small farmers.