Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Samuel Moore
Auteur Samuel Moore

Reforming research assessment and culture is a hot topic in higher education, particularly how these issues relate to research funding. I discussed the HELIOS initiative in my last post, which is a funder-led approach to incentivising open science practices in North American tenure and promotion guidelines. Now, in the past week, EU science ministers have agreed on a plan to facilitate coordinated reform of research assessment processes.

Publié in Liberate Science
Auteurs Cathleen Berger, Chris Hartgerink

Last year, we established Liberate Science’s baseline environmental impact, estimating around 6 000 kilos of carbon dioxide equivalent (or 6 mtCO2e) of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the years 2019 and 2020. For 2021, we calculated 3.29 mtCO2e – a welcome reduction (-48% overall, -30% compared to 2020). In part, this reduction is because of a smaller team and that we didn’t need (or want) to update any of our devices or office furniture.

Publié in Liberate Science

This is a transcript of the interview with Iryna Kuchma (Season 2, Episode 3). Listen to the podcast on Anchor. The transcript is slightly edited for readability and available under a CC0 Public Domain Dedication. Chris Hartgerink : Welcome to the second season of the Open Update for Liberate Science. I'm your host, Chris Hartgerink.

Publié in Elephant in the Lab
Auteur Sascha Schönig

Introduction The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic led to a global and accelerated digitalisation of all education systems. This quickly revealed many inequalities in access to digital resources and lack of digital skills. What concrete impact has this had on learners and teachers worldwide? How can we address these inequalities in education?

Publié in Liberate Science

At Liberate Science, we are committed to being part of a global movement for change – and it was time we made it official. We are pledging 1% of our sales to the planet and are excited to join a growing global network of businesses, non-profits and individuals working together for a healthy planet. The climate crisis is raging on and there is no time or space for corporate actors to deflect their responsibilities.

Publié in Liberate Science

This is a transcript of the interview with Samuel Moore (Season 2, Episode 2). Listen to the podcast here. The transcript is slightly edited for readability and available under a CC0 Public Domain Dedication. Chris Hartgerink: Welcome to the second season of the Open Update! For Liberate Science—I'm your host Chris Hartgerink.

Publié in Samuel Moore
Auteur Samuel Moore

A recent article in The Scientist discusses the newly launched Higher Education Leadership Initiative for Open Scholarship (HELIOS). Composed of ‘leaders’ from over 75 US colleges and universities, HELIOS is committed to incentivising open science practices in order to make research more research more ‘inclusive, transparent, and efficient’. It is an approach designed to reorient assessment mechanisms towards open science practices,

Publié in OpenCitations blog
Auteur Chiara Di Giambattista

In March, The Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS) celebrated, together with the generous funders and the projects involved (including OpenCitations), the achievement of an amazing milestone: a total of 4 million Euros raised so far for supporting the growth and development of Open Science Infrastructures.