Messages de Rogue Scholar


Our lab is growing! In our Three Questions series, we’re profiling each of our members and the amazing work they’re doing. Today’s post features Michelle Riedlinger, a senior lecturer in the School of Communication at the Queensland University of Technology and a research associate at the ScholCommLab. In this interview, she shares her experiences collaborating on research across international borders in the midst of a pandemic.

Publié in Elephant in the Lab
Auteur Elias Koch

Today is the day Julia has been dreaming about since the first day of her PhD program – it’s interview day at the American Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Conference. As her phone plays her familiar morning alarm, Julia jumps out of bed, bright-eyed and hopeful for the 10 interviews she has scheduled for the day. She irons her power skirt and navy blouse carefully, ensuring she leaves no creases uncreased.

Publié in FIS & EPub
Auteur Ursula Arning

Ein Desiderat in der Praxis vieler wissenschaftlicher Bibliotheken sind konkrete Hilfestellungen beim Aufbau einer qualitätsgesicherten Open-Access-Publikationsplattform.

Publié in Elephant in the Lab
Auteur Elias Koch

This article results from a cooperation within N², a network of the Helmholtz Juniors, Leibniz PhD Network and Max Planck PhDnet. The International PhD Program Mainz (IPP) is an associated member of N². Representing more than 16.000 doctoral researchers, it is the biggest network of doctoral researchers in Germany.

Publié in Leiden Madtrics
Auteurs Eleonora Dagiene, Qianqian Xie

The course “Visualising Science Using VOSviewer” VOSviewer was developed to construct various networks based on scientific literature. One type of maps is co-occurrence networks of essential terms. They provide an overview of the topics in the publications. Other networks are bibliometric; they are based on co-authorship or citations.

Publié in Liberate Science
Auteur Patrick Sobrak-Seaton

Over the past month, I participated in a workshop led by Cassie Evans and Smashing Magazine called "The SVG Animation Masterclass". It was a fantastic workshop and inspires me to do more with animations for liberate science designs in the future. Watch this space, but until then, here's some things I wanted to share with you about my journey into animated SVGs.

Publié in Leiden Madtrics
Auteur Leonie van Drooge

In a previous post the SEP 2021-2027 was introduced. As a reminder: the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) share the responsibility for the evaluation of all academic research units. According to the SEP 2021-2027, research units are evaluated in the light of their context, aims and strategy.