Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Leiden Madtrics
Auteur Leonie van Drooge

A joint protocol… Ever since 2003, the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) share the responsibility for the evaluation of all academic research units. They ensure that there is an evaluation protocol that is regularly updated.

Publié in Leiden Madtrics
Auteur Leonie van Drooge

Any conversation about research evaluation in the Netherlands has the risk of developing along this line. The Dutch way of evaluating academic research might not be unique, but it is certainly not common, nor fully understood. As a member of the working group for the monitoring and further development of the evaluation protocol – and as an employee of CWTS – let me provide insight and context.

Our lab is growing! In our Three Questions series, we’re profiling each of our members and the amazing work they’re doing. Today, we’re highlighting Noha Atef, a postdoctoral media researcher at the ScholCommLab working at the intersection of social media, citizen media, journalism, and health communication.

Publié in FIS & EPub

Kürzlich wurde eine neue DINI-Empfehlung aus dem DFG-Projekt *metrics veröffentlicht:  *metrics – Recommendations from the DFG *metrics Project for “Measuring The Reliability and perceptions of Indicators for interactions with scientific products” Die Empfehlung umfasst detailliert die Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt und gibt einen Einblick in die Thematik der alternativen Metriken.

Publié in Liberate Science

The Open Update is Liberate Science's podcast series. Currently in it's third season, it has evolved from a weekly digest, to an interview series, to a conversational podcast.Season 1 (January 2021-April 2022) 52 weekly episodes digesting the open science news. In this inaugural season, we learned more about podcast production and initiated our audience.

Publié in Samuel Moore
Auteur Samuel Moore

I’ve just published the article ‘Open Access, Plan S and ‘Radically Liberatory’ Forms of Academic Freedom’ in the journal Development and Change . Abstract below. Link: Abstract This opinion piece interrogates the position that open access policies infringe academic freedom.