Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Leiden Madtrics
Auteur Ludo Waltman

Over the past two decades, the open access movement has made significant progress in promoting the free accessibility and reusability of scholarly publications. About half of the publications from recent years are free to access and reuse. However, are accessibility and reusability sufficient for a well-functioning system of scholarly publishing?

Publié in Liberate Science

The Liberate Science team recently wrapped up another workcycle, codenamed "Potato Smiles." We're taking a moment to recap what we have achieved and share our progress with you! 😊 If you're new to the workcycle series: We use workcycles to collectively prioritize our work, assign tasks, and self-organize until the next workcycle.

Publié in Liberate Science

There's little reason to blindly trust organizations, especially in these times of mass inequality. We recognize that Liberate Science is new—we want to earn your trust as we work on projects like Hypergraph. Supporting memberships are about building community and building trust. One way we aim to build trust is by reinforcing that we won't sell out.

Publié in FIS & EPub
Auteur Gastautor(en)

Dass Hochschulen eigene Forschungsinformationssysteme nutzen, ist im Jahr 2020 für viele nichts Neues. Als sich allerdings acht hessische Hochschulen 2013 zu einem Verbund zusammenschlossen, um gemeinsam diese Informationssysteme einzurichten, war dies (noch) keine Selbstverständlichkeit.

Publié in Elephant in the Lab
Auteur Elias Koch

Lennart Stoy Data is the new oil. This mantra has long made it past tech entrepreneurs and policy wonks into the public debate. But the perception of data as a competitive advantage in a geopolitical competition does not come without new challenges, in particular in a world where science and technology are increasingly in the cross hair of great power competition.

Publié in Liberate Science
Auteurs Chris Hartgerink, Mikael Laakso

Every now and then we feature work that is shared in Hypergraph. You can choose to read it here or open it in Hypergraph (download Hypergraph here). Content suggestions can be sent to Cover image courtesy of CrossRef (CC-BY 4.0). The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) system is like a digital address book: One DOI name resolves to information on the location of the content.

Publié in FIS & EPub
Auteur Gastautor(en)

Die Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf (HSWT) hat 2011 ein zentrales Forschungsmanagement eingeführt. In diesem Zuge wurde entschieden, die Rahmeninformationen zu Forschungsprojekten gesammelt in einer Datenbank zu erfassen. Zum damaligen Zeitpunkt gab es zahlreiche Excel-Listen in verschiedenen Verwaltungsabteilungen, die nicht konsistent waren.

Publié in Liberate Science

The beta release of Hypergraph is here 🎉 If you want to dive in immediately, download Hypergraph (Beta) for Windows, macOS, or Linux. Hypergraph helps researchers reset research publishing, by publicly documenting research step by step, before the issues of after-the-fact articles even begin. Traditionally, articles are often written in hindsight, causing selective publication, p-hacking, and many other issues.