Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Liberate Science
Auteurs Liberate Science, Allison Harbin, Chris Hartgerink, Patrick Sobrak-Seaton

We seek to distribute knowledge, such that what it enables becomes distributed too. We want to repair, not destroy, and grow new modes of being, where empathy, humility, and inclusivity are paramount. We move towards and build open, dialectical systems that are actively inclusive, because we know that those whose voices were not heard are the most important for a new equitable system.

Publié in Elephant in the Lab
Auteur Elias Koch

An Appeal for a Culture of Failure in Academia Mafalda Sandrini For some years now there has been a trend amongst entrepreneurs and artists to come together to exchange stories of failure by disclosing their mistakes on a big stage and acknowledging what they lacked in insight and wisdom. This is framed as a practice of openness for the good of the many, as well as for themselves.

Publié in Leiden Madtrics
Auteurs Vít Macháček, Márcia R. Ferreira, Nicolás Robinson-García, Martin Srholec, Rodrigo Costas

In recent years, bibliometric databases have substantially improved the consistency and quality of the metadata extracted from publications, particularly the author-affiliations linkages from scientific publications. Furthermore, author-name disambiguation algorithms have been implemented for most large bibliometric databases, such as Web of Science, Scopus, and Dimensions.

Publié in Liberate Science

We continuously improve Hypergraph, our tool for communicating research as-you-go — instead of after-the-fact — to allow researchers to focus on their core interest: doing research. We care about meeting researchers where they are, in order to make research life easier. To that end, Liberate Science is partnering with Coko and its spin off project Cabbage Tree Labs to seamlessly integrate working with Word files in Hypergraph.

Publié in Leiden Madtrics
Auteurs Willem Halffman, Serge Horbach, Jessica Polka, Tony Ross-Hellauer, Ludo Waltman

In most research fields, journals play a dominant role in the scholarly communication system. However, the availability of systematic information on the policies and practices of journals, for instance with respect to peer review and open access publishing, is surprisingly limited and scattered.

Publié in Leiden Madtrics
Auteurs Tjitske Holtrop, Laurens Hessels, Ad Prins

Since 2017 we have been developing a new approach to research evaluation, which we call Evaluative Inquiry (EI). In a series of blog posts, we discuss the four principles of EI, based on our experiences in projects with the Protestant Theological University and with the University for Humanistics.

Publié in Elephant in the Lab
Auteur Elias Koch

Introduction Today’s Academy is highly internationalized, and mobility is one of its key features. Although it is expected that academics from all disciplines frequently travel around the globe in order to exchange knowledge and build up networks, in reality, not all researchers are equally mobile.

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Das Read & Publish Agreement von swissuniversities mit Elsevier gilt für Publikationen, die ab dem 1. Januar 2020 bei Elsevier eingereicht werden. Allerdings wurde erst Ende Mai 2020 der Vertrag und die Liste der relevanten Journals offiziell kommuniziert. Big-Deal mit einem OA-Addendum Der Vertrag liest sich zunächst wie ein klassischer Big-Deal für Journal Subskriptionen.